Domatic number problem

Domatic number problem

The domatic number problem is an NP-complete problem in graph theory.


An instance of the domatic number problem consists of:
* a graph "G" with a set "V" of vertices and a set "E" of edges, and
* a positive integer "K" smaller than or equal to the number of vertices in "G".The problem is to determine whether the domatic number of "G" is at least "K". In other words, we want to know if "V" can be partitioned into "k" ≥"K" disjoint sets "V1", "V2",...,"Vk" such that each "Vi" is a dominating set for "G".


The domatic number problem is proven to be NP-complete by a reduction from the 3-Satisfiability problem.



* A1.1: GT3, pg.190.
* Garey, M. R., D. S. Johnson and R. E. Tarjan, unpublished results.
* Cockayne, E. J., and S. T. Hedetniemi, "Optimal domination in graphs", "IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems" CAS-22, 855-857.

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