

Gleisdreieck is a statistical area of the city of Bochum in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located in the Ruhr area, the most populous German agglomeration.

It includes the central business district of Bochum. Gleisdreieck ("triangle of rails") is limited by railway lines. Gleisdreieck additionally has tram lines running to Wattenscheid and other parts of the city as well as to the neighbouring towns of Hattingen, Gelsenkirchen and Herne. Gleisdreieck is the site of the school which Herbert Grönemeyer, the singer of the best selling German album of the 20th century, "4630 Bochum" attended.Gleisdreieck is the site of the "Bermudadreieck" ("Bermuda triangle"), the main and heterogeneous area of bars frequented by the youth in the Ruhr area.

Gleisdreieck is the part of Bochum where the city hall and other public buildings as well as historical churches are situated.

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