Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University

Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University

Infobox University
name = Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University
native_name =มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกาญจนบุรี

established = 29 September 1973
type = Public
staff =
president =Asst. Prof. Panya Karnpanich
students =
undergrad =
postgrad =
city = Kanchanaburi
country = Thailand
campus = Kanchanaburi (Main Campus), Kanchana School, Suphan buri
motto = "One must master yourself before you can master other people"
song =
mascot =
colours = yellow
location = Kanchanaburi
website = [http://www.kru.ac.th/ www.kru.ac.th]

Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University (Thai:มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกาญจนบุรี|มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกาญจนบุรี) or KRU is a Thai public university under the Rajabhat system. The campus is located just outside of Kanchanaburi, a small city west of Bangkok.


The university opened in the autumn of 1973 as Kanchanaburi Teachers Training College. In the 1990s, majors other than education were added and it became known as Rajabhat Institute Kanchanaburi. A few years later, the name was changed by royal decree to Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University.


Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University is located very close to a world famous historic site in Kanchanaburi province, the Bridge over the River Kwai.


Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education is the oldest faculty at KRU.

Faculty of Science and Technology

Faculty of Social Science and Humanity

Faculty of Management Technology

Faculty of Industrial Technology

[http://fit.kru.ac.th/en/ The Faculty of Industrial Technology] is the newest faculty in KRU. It grew from a department of the Faculty of Science and Technology. It is intended to educate people in practical science fields.

External links

* [http://www.kru.ac.th Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University web site in Thai]

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