- Bogdan Klich
Bogdan Klich (pronounced|ˈbɔgdan ˈklix, born on
8 May 1960 inKraków )is a Polishpolitician and Minister of National Defence ofPoland . Bogdan Klich was interned in 1981 during the martial law set by the communist regime. UntilNovember 16 ,2007 he wasMember of the European Parliament for the MP & SWwith thePlatforma Obywatelska , part of theEuropean People's Party and sits ontheEuropean Parliament 'sCommittee on Foreign Affairs .Klich was a substitute for the
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs .Education
* 1986: Physician, Kraków Medical Academy
* 1987: Master's in the History of Art, Jagiellonian University (UJ)Career
* 1991-1995: Doctoral studies, Department of Historical Philosophy
* since 1997: President of the Institute of Strategic Studies
* 2001-2004: Member of Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, member of the Committee on National Defence
* 1989-1999: Advisor to the Chief Negotiator of the Republic of Poland with the European Union
* 1999-2000: Deputy Minister for National Defence in the Republic of Poland
* 2003-2004: Observer to the EP
* 2001-2004: Polish representative and member of the Policy Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of theCouncil of Europe
* 2004-2007: Member of the EP
* 2007- : Minister for National Defence in the Republic of Poland
* Member of the International Institute of Strategic Studies,London
*Lecturer at the Centre for European Studies at the Jagiellonian UniversityDecorations
* Order of Merit for Defence of Lithuania
* Gold Medal of Merit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovakia"See also:"
European Parliament election, 2004 (Poland) External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.