- Falcata
The falcata is a type of
sword typical of Pre-RomanHispania (theIberian Peninsula , modernSpain andPortugal ), similar to the Greekkopis orNepal esekukri .Name
The term "Falcata" is not ancient. It seems to have been coined by
Fernando Fulgosio in1872 , [In: Fulgosio, Fernando (1872): "Armas y utensilios del hombre primitivo en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional", in José Dorregaray (ed.),"Museo Español de Antigüedades", Madrid, Vol. I, pp. 75-89.] on the model of theLatin expression "ensis falcatus" "sickle -shaped sword" (which, however, refers to theHarpe ). He presumably went with "falcata" rather than "falcatus" because the Spanish word for sword "espada" is feminine, although there are other presumable theories. The name caught on very quickly, and is now firmly entrenched in the scholarly literature.hape
The Falcata has a one edged blade that pitches forward towards the point, the edge being concave on the lower part of the sword, but convex on top. This shape distributes the weight in such a way that the falcata is capable of delivering a blow with the momentum of an axe, while maintaining the cutting edge of a sword. The hilt is typically hook-shaped, the end being stylized in the shape of a horse or a bird. There is often a thin chain connecting the tip of the hilt with the upper section. Although it was a one-edge weapon, two-edge falcatas have been found.
The falcata-like swords were derived from the sickle-shape knives of the
Iron Age , that too explains their ritual uses. It is thought that it was introduced in the Iberian Peninsula by theCelt s who spread the iron technology. It seems that its origin is parallel to the GreekKopis , and not derived from it.Quality and Manufacturing
Roman armies in the
Second Punic War and later, during theConquest of Hispania , were surprised about the quality of these weapons, used by Iberian mercenaries and warriors. The overall quality of the Falcata came not only from the shape, but also from the quality of the iron. Steel plates were buried in the ground from two to three years, corroding the weakened steel from them. With the rest, the sword was madeFact|date=November 2007. The blade was made from threelamina s of this steel, joining them in abloomery . Due to the strength of the Falcata, the Roman Legions reinforced their shield borders and their armours and hand weapons were redesigned, and it is probable that the Falcata influenced the posterior designs of the standard legion weapon, theGladius .Ornamental and Liturgical uses
In the early times of the
Celt ic tribes in the Iberia, when the use of iron was expensive and not yet spread, its use was moreornamental and liturgical than military. Very decorated falcatas have been found, namely in tombs, such as theFalcata de Almedinilla .In Ancient Texts
Since "Falcata" is not a term used in
Classical Latin , it is difficult to tell when, or if it is being referred to in ancient literature. There is, however, one passage that is generally agreed to refer to this type of sword, in Seneca's "De Beneficiis" 5.24::A veteran who had been a bit too rough with his neighbors was pleading his case before the Divine Julius. "Do you remember," he said, "Imperator , how you twisted your ankle near Sucro?" When Caesar said he did remember: "Then you certainly remember that when you were dying to rest under a tree that was casting just a tiny shadow, in a very tough terrain with just that one lonely tree sticking out, one of your men laid out his cloak for you?":Caesar said "Why shouldn't I remember, even if I was exhausted? Because I was unable to walk I couldn't go to the nearby spring, and I would have been willing to crawl there on hands and knees, if it were not for a good soldier, a brave industrious chap, hadn't brought me water in his helmet?" to which the man replied:"Then,Imperator , you could recognize that man, or that helmet?" Caesar answered that he couldn't recognize the helmet, but certainly the man, and added, a bit irritated I think, "And you certainly are not him!":"It's not surprising," said the man, "that you do not recognize me, Caesar; for when that happened I was whole. Afterwards, at Munda my eye was gouged out, and my skull smashed in. Nor would you recognize that helmet if you saw it: it was split by a Hispanian saber ("machaera Hispana"). "Caesar awarded the case to the veteran.ee also
Oakeshott typology
*Sword making
*sword-like objects
*Types of swords
*Waster Bibliography
*Aranegui, C. y De Hoz, J. (1992): “Una falcata decorada con inscripción ibérica. Juegos gladiatorios y venationes”, en Homenaje a Enrique Pla Ballester, Trabajos Varios del SIP 89, 319-344
*Cuadrado Díaz, E. (1989): La panoplia ibérica de “El Cigarralejo” (Mula, Murcia). Documentos. Serie Arqueología. Murcia
*Nieto, G. y Escalera, A. (1970): “Estudio y tratamiento de una falcata de Almedinilla”, Informes y trabajos del Instituto de Restauración y Conservación, 10
*F. Quesada Sanz: "Máchaira", "kopís", falcata" in "Homenaje a Francisco Torrent", Madrid, 1994, pp. 75-94.(http://www.ffil.uam.es/equus/warmas/online/machairakopisfalcata.pdf )
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1990a): “En torno al origen y procedencia de la falcata ibérica”. Archivo Español de Arqueología, 63, 63-95
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1990b): “Falcatas ibéricas con damasquinados en plata”. Homenaje a D. Emeterio Cuadrado, Verdolay, 2, 45-59
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1992a): Arma y símbolo: la falcata ibérica. Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1992b): “Notas sobre el armamento ibérico de Almedinilla”, Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa, 3, 113-136
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1997a): “Algo más que un tipo de espada: la falcata ibérica”. Catálogo de la Exposición: La guerra en la Antigüedad. Madrid, pp.196-205
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1997b): El armamento ibérico. Estudio tipológico, geográfico, funcional, social y simbólico de las armas en la Cultura Ibérica (siglos VI-I a.C.). 2 vols. Monographies Instrumentum, 3. Ed. Monique Mergoil, Montagnac, 1997
*Quesada Sanz, F. (1998): “Armas para los muertos”. Los íberos, príncipes de Occidente Catálogo de la Exposición. Barcelona, pp. 125-31Notes
External links
* [http://www.ffil.uam.es/equus/warmas Iberian weapons and warfare] (in Spanish), at the
Autonomous University of Madrid 's website.
* [http://www.ffil.uam.es/equus/warmas/tipolog/fig01.html A 4th century BC falcata from Iberia]
* [http://www.celtiberia.net/articulo.asp?id=998 Spanish site about celtiberian pre-roman history]
* [http://www.arqueotavira.com/Mapas/Iberia/Populi.htm Detailed map of the Pre-Roman Peoples of Iberia (around 200 BC)]
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