xanthurenic acid — The sulfur yellow crystals form a red compound with Millon reagent, or an intensely green one with ferrous sulfate; excreted in the urine of pyridoxine deficient animals after the ingestion of tryptophan, and of rats fed almost exclusively with… … Medical dictionary
xanthurenic acid — |zan(t)th(y)ə|renik noun Etymology: xanth + urenic (as in kynurenic) : a yellow crystalline phenolic acid (HO)2C9H4NCOOH closely related to kynurenic acid and excreted in the urine when tryptophan is added to the diet of experimental animals… … Useful english dictionary
Kynurenic acid — Chembox new Name = Kynurenic acid ImageFile = KynurenicAcid.png ImageName = Chemical structure of kynurenic acid IUPACName = 4 oxo 1H quinoline 2 carboxylic acid OtherNames = Kinurenic acid, kynuronic acid, quinurenic acid, transtorine Section1 … Wikipedia
XA — xanthurenic acid; x ray analysis … Medical dictionary
XA — • xanthurenic acid; • x ray analysis … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Plasmodium falciparum biology — Taxobox color = khaki name = Plasmodium falciparum image width = 240px image caption = Blood smear of Plasmodium falciparum regnum = Protista phylum = Apicomplexa classis = Aconoidasida ordo = Haemosporida familia = Plasmodiidae genus =… … Wikipedia
Vitamin B6 — is a water soluble vitamin. Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is the active form and is a cofactor in many reactions of amino acid metabolism, including transamination, deamination, and decarboxylation. PLP also is necessary for the enzymatic reaction… … Wikipedia
tryptophan load test — (for vitamin B6 deficiency) a single large dose of tryptophan is administered orally and a 24 hour urine sample is analyzed for xanthurenic acid, and sometimes also kynurenine, hydroxykynurenine, and kynurenic acid. If vitamin B6 deficiency… … Medical dictionary
Golden silk orb-weaver — Nephila redirects here. For the use in Aramaic culture, see Orion (constellation). For the race mentioned in the Book of Genesis, see Nephilim. Golden silk orb weaver Temporal range: Middle Jurassic Recent, 165–0 Ma … Wikipedia
hydroxykynureninuria — An abnormality in tryptophan metabolism, probably due to a defect in kynureninase, characterized by mild mental retardation, migraine like headaches, and urinary excretion of large amounts of kynurenine, 3 hydoxykynurenine, and xanthurenic acid … Medical dictionary