- Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto
The Japanese
autobiographer andnovelist Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto(杉本鉞子) was born 1874 in the provinceEchigo inJapan daughter of a "karō " fromNagaoka .The breakdown of thefeudal system shortly before her birth had a deep impact on the economic situation of her family.Originally destined to be a priestess, she was then engaged, by anarranged marriage , to a Japanese merchant living inCincinnati, Ohio . Etsu attended aMethodist school inTokyo as a preparation for her life in the USA. She became aChristian . In 1898 she journeyed to the USA, where she married her fiancé and became mother of two daughters. After her husband's death she returned to Japan, but then went back to the USA to complete the education of her daughters there.Later she lived in
New York City , where she turned toliterature and taughtJapanese language , culture and history atColumbia University . She also wrote for newspapers and magazines. She died in 1950.Works
*"A Daughter of the Samurai" (1925)
*"With Taro and Hana in Japan" (in cooperation with Nancy Virginia Austen1926-09-23 )
*"A Daughter of the Narikin" (1932)
*"In memoriam: Florence Mills Wilson" (1933)
*"A Daughter of the Nohfu" (1935)
*"Grandmother O Kyo" (1940)
*"But the Ships Are Sailing"
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