- Epigaea
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Epigaea repens"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Ericales
familia =Ericaceae
genus = "Epigaea"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = "Epigaea asiatica" "Epigaea gaultherioides" "Epigaea repens ""Epigaea" is a genus of three species of
flowering plant s in theEricaceae . They are small creepingshrub s growing to 10-20 cm tall, forming large patches. The leaves areevergreen , alternate, simple, entire, and 2-10 cm long. Theflower s are small, white or pink, with a five-lobed tubular corolla, produced in mid spring. Thefruit is a dry capsule with numerous smallseed s.There are three species:
*"Epigaea asiatica" (Iwanashi).Japan . Leaves with an acutely pointed apex.
*"Epigaea gaultherioides". Georgia and northeasternTurkey .
*"Epigaea repens " (Mayflower or Trailing Arbutus). EasternNorth America . Leaves with a rounded or bluntly pointed apex."E. repens" is listed as an
endangered species in someU.S. states.ymbolism
The name Mayflower was in tradition given to "E. repens" by the
Pilgrim Fathers after their ship the "Mayflower "; the plant was abundant where the ship landed atPlymouth Rock ,Massachusetts . For this reason, it was chosen to be the state flower of Massachusetts. It is also the provincial flower ofNova Scotia . The name Trailing Arbutus reflects its similarity to the trees in the related genus "Arbutus ", while being much smaller and prostrate on the ground.Cultivation and uses
All three species are grown as ornamental plants in rockeries, where they require moist,
acid ic soil. A hybrid between "E. repens" and "E. asiatica", "Epigaea × intertexta" has also been developed for garden planting.
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