Interactive cinema

Interactive cinema

Interactive cinema tries to give the audience an active role in the showing of movies. The movie Kinoautomat by Czechoslovakian director Raduz Cincera presented in the Czech Pavilion in Expo '67 in Montreal is considered to be the first cinema-like interactive movie. The availability of computers for the display of interactive video has made it easier to create interactive movies.

Another newer definition of interactive cinema is a video game which is a hybrid between participation and viewing, giving the player - or viewer, as it were - a strong amount of control in the characters' decisions. A recent successful incarnation of an idea similar to this one is Fahrenheit, (censored version released in US and Canada as "Indigo Prophecy") a game dubbed as "interactive cinema" by its France-based developer, Quantic Dream.

2007 saw the release of North America's first interactive motion picture, the Canadian-produced "Late Fragment". []

Other, earlier examples include Quantum Gate, Psychic Detective, The Dark Eye, The Wrong Side of Town, Johnny Mnemonic, Uncompressed, The Vortex, The X-Files Game, The Gabriel Knight Series and The Wing Commander Series. All of which date from the early to late 1990's.

ee also

* Interactive video
* Interaction design
* Participatory cinema
* Interactive movie
* Passive Interactivity


External links

* [ 2007 Links to Online Interactive Films]
* [ 17 Life Fables: one of the first web interactive films]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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