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Трансляция (биология) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Трансляция. Трансляция (от лат. translatio перевод) процесс синтеза белка из аминокислот на матрице информационной (матричной) РНК (иРНК, мРНК), осуществляемый рибосомой.… … Википедия
Eukaryotic initiation factor — Eukaryotic initiation factors are proteins used in eukaryotic translation. There exist many more eukaryotic initiation factors (eIF) than prokaryotic initiation factors due to greater biological complexity. Processes eIF is involved in include:… … Wikipedia
Translation (biology) — Diagram showing the translation of mRNA and the synthesis of proteins by a ribosome. In molecular biology and genetics, translation is the third stage of protein biosynthesis (part of the overall process of gene expression). In translation,… … Wikipedia
Internal ribosome entry site — An internal ribosome entry site, abbreviated IRES, is a nucleotide sequence that allows for translation initiation in the middle of a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence as part of the greater process of protein synthesis. Usually, in eukaryotes,… … Wikipedia
Start codon — The start codon is generally defined as the point, sequence, at which a ribosome begins to translate a sequence of RNA into amino acids. When an RNA transcript is read from the 5 carbon to the 3 carbon by the ribosome the start codon (AUG) is the … Wikipedia
Hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site — Protein translation of most eukaryotic mRNAs requires association of Met tRNA, several eukaryotic initiation factors, and GTP with the 40S ribosomal subunit. The ribosome can only bind the capped mRNA after binding the initiator tRNA. Translation … Wikipedia
EIF2 — (Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 2) is an eukaryotic initiation factor. It is required in the initiation of translation. In this fundamental process of life, the ribosome builds proteins according to the information encoded on the mRNA. eIF2… … Wikipedia
Acide ribonucléique messager — Pour les articles homonymes, voir messager. Synthèse et maturation de l ARN messager dans une cellule eucaryote L acide ribonucléique messager, ARN messager ou ARNm est une copie transitoire d une portion de l … Wikipédia en Français
Facteurs d'initiation — Les facteurs d initiation ou facteurs de démarrage sont des protéines qui assistent le ribosome pour le démarrage de la traduction de l ARNm en protéines. Cette étape est cruciale, car c est elle qui permet à la machinerie cellulaire de… … Wikipédia en Français
Консенсусная последовательность Козак — (последовательность Козак, англ. Kozak consensus sequence) последовательность нуклеотидов в составе молекулы мРНК эукариот, окружающая старт кодон и важная для инициации трансляции. Консенсусная последовательность была впервые описана… … Википедия