

name = "Balnibarbi"
status = fossil
fossil_range = Early Arenig [cite journal
last = Sepkoski| first = Jack| authorlink =| coauthors =| title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Trilobita entry)| journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology| volume = 364| issue =| pages = p.560| publisher =| location =| date = 2002| url =| doi =| id =| accessdate = 2008-01-12
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Trilobita
ordo =
superfamilia =
genus = "Balnibarbi"

"Balnibarbi" is an extinct genus from a well known class of fossil marine arthropods, the trilobites. It lived during the early part of the Arenig stage of the Ordovician Period [cite journal
last = Sepkoski| first = Jack| authorlink =| coauthors =| title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Trilobita entry)| journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology| volume = 364| issue =| pages = p.560| publisher =| location =| date = 2002| url =| doi =| id =| accessdate = 2008-01-12
] , a faunal stage which lasted from approximately 478 to 471 million years ago.


ee also

*In "", Balnibarbi is a country where "science" is utilized for foolish ends.

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