Eligio Cedeno

Eligio Cedeno

Eligio Cedeño (b. December 1, 1964; Caracas, Venezuela, S.A.) is a Venezuelan banker, president of CEDEL Group (Venezuela), and a philanthropist. On February 8, 2007, Cedeño voluntarily was placed into custody and imprisoned by Venezuelan government officials under charges of circumventing government currency rules to gain U.S. dollars. He remains in jail in Venezuela. [cite web|url=http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=prnw.20080612.DC25021&show_article=1|title=Cedeno Trial Brought to a Halt Again, Says Cedel International|publisher=Breitbart.com|date=2008-06-12] [cite web|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS148609+19-Mar-2008+PRN20080319|title=Cedeno Trial Postponed for Fourth Time in a Month|publisher=Reuters|date=2008-03-19] [cite web|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS250873+13-Mar-2008+PRN20080313|title=Prominent Venezuelan Business Leader, Eligio Cedeno, Denied Right to Fair Trial, Again|publisher=Reuters|date=2008-03-13] [cite web|url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/02/10/business/LA-FIN-Venezuela-Dollar-Crackdown.php|title=Venezuelan bank president detained in crack down on illegal dollar transactions|publisher=International Herald Tribune|date=2007-02-08]


In 2007, Eligio Cedeño, President of Bolivar-Banpro Financial Group was arrested in a crack down by Venezuelan officials on individuals circumventing government currency rules to gain U.S. dollars. On February 8, Cedeño was accused by the Venezuelan Attorney General of aiding Consorcio MicroStar with illegal dollar transactions. Independent critics have stated that the case is marred with irregularities and oversights, as Cedeño has been denied his right to prior imputation, right to an impartial trial, right to reasonable bail, right to seek medical treatment, and his right to present evidence in his defense. As of January 2008, Cedeño's case remains pending and his imprisonment is ongoing. For further information please visit http://www.eligiocedeno.com or his blog at http://www.myspace.com/eligiocedeno . [cite web|url=http://www.venezuelaawareness.com/microstar/verdad.htm|title=La Verdad Acerca de Eligio Cedeno, Entrevista a Santo Luis Cedeno hermano de Eligio|publisher=6to Poder|date=2008-06-17] [cite web|url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/02/10/business/LA-FIN-Venezuela-Dollar-Crackdown.php|title=Venezuelan bank president detained in crack down on illegal dollar transactions|publisher=International Herald Tribune|date=2007-02-08] [cite web|url=http://www.unionradio.net/Noticias/Noticia.aspx?noticiaid=196132|title=Interpol captura en Panamá a Gustavo Arraíz imputado por caso Microstar|publisher= [http://www.unionradio.com.ve/ UnionRadio.net] |date=2007-03-01] [cite web|url=http://noticiero.venevision.net/index_not.asp?id_noticia=20070326001704&id_seccion=04|title=Fiscalía realizó nueva acusación por caso Microstar|publisher= [http://noticiero.venevision.net/index_not.asp?id_noticia=20070326001704&id_seccion=04 Venevision.com] |date=2007-03-26] [cite web|url=http://deportes.eluniversal.com/2007/03/05/suc_ava_05A841609.shtml|title=Detienen en Panamá a solicitado por caso Microstar
publisher= [http://www.eluniversal.com/index.shtml El Universal] |date=2007-03-05


Eligio Cedeño was born in Caracas, Venezuela S.A., on December 1, 1964. Cedeño has enjoyed more than 25 years of a successful professional career in the area of capital markets and the Venezuelan banking sector. He began work at an early age as a bank apprentice and most recently was president of Bolivar-BanPro Financial Group in Venezuela, S.A.


Attended the University Simon Rodríguez in Caracas, Venezuela and earned a degree in Business Administration.

Professional career in Venezuela

2005-2007President, Bolivar-Banpro Financial Group

2001-2005President, Banco Canarias de Venezuela [cite web|url=http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-21702169_ITM|title=Banco Canarias to acquire Banco Bolivar - Venezuela|publisher=The America's Intelligence Wire|date=2004-06-17]

2002Principal Director, Almacenadora Libertad EC

2001President, BLITZ -fashion magazine

1994Founder and Chairman, Cedel Casa de Bolsa

1994Vice-president of Finance, Banco Canarias de Venezuela

1993-1994Vice-president of Treasury, Banco Noroco

1990-1993Treasurer, Banco Caracas

1986-1990Manager of Treasury, Banco Internacional

1981-1986Trust, Citibank


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