Yehudah L. Werner

Yehudah L. Werner

Yehudah Leopold Werner (born 1931 in Munich) is an Israeli herpetologist and Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology).

His parents and himself were forced to emigrate from Nazi Germany to Palestine in 1935. Georg Haas (1905-1981), an emigrant from Austria who was Professor in Jerusalem, [Adler, K. (1989): "Contributions to the History of Herpetology". - Society for the study of amphibians and reptiles: 202 p. ISBN 0-916984-19-2] became one of his teachers. During his long scientific career, Werner published 365 titles (2007). Among other things, the biology of the geckos as well as the zoogeography and conservation of the reptiles and amphibians in the Middle East are his main themes.

Beyond this, Werner described or redescribed (alone or with co-authors) a number of amphibian and reptile taxa:

* "Hyla heinzsteinitzi" Grach, Plesser & Werner, 2007 [Grach, C., Plesser, Y. & Y. L. Werner (2007): "A new, sibling, tree frog from Jerusalem (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae)". - Journal of Natural History 41 (9-12): p. 709-728.]
* "Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii" Werner, 2004 [Werner, Y. L. (2004): "A new species of the Acanthodactylus pardalis group (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Jordan". - Zoology in the Middle East 32: p. 39-46.]
* "Acanthodactylus beershebensis" Moravec, Baha El Din, Seligmann, Sivan & Werner, 1999Moravec, J., Baha El Din, S., Seligmann, H., Sivan, N. & Y. L. Werner (1999): "Systematics and distribution of the Acanthodactylus pardalis group (Lacertidae) in Egypt and Israel". - Zoology in the Middle East 17: p. 21-50.]
* "Acanthodactylus pardalis" (Lichtenstein, 1823) Moravec, Baha El Din, Seligmann, Sivan & Werner, 1999
* "Asaccus nasrullahi" Werner, 2006 [Werner, Y. L. (2006): "Retraction of Ptyodactylus Goldfuss from the fauna of Iran and its replacement by a new species of Asaccus Dixon & Anderson (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae)". - Hamadryad 30: p. 135-140.]
* "Cerastes cerastes" Werner, Sivan, Kushnir & Motro 1999Werner, Y. L., Sivan, N., Kushnir, V. & U. Motro (1999): "A statistical approach to variation in Cerastes (Ophidia: Viperidae) with the description of two endemic subspecies". - In: Joger, U. [ed.] : Phylogeny and Systematics of the Viperidae. Kaupia 8: p. 83-97.]
* "Cerastes cerastes hoofieni" Werner & Sivan, 1999
* "Cerastes gasperettii" Werner, 1987
* "Cerastes gasperettii" Werner, Le Verdier, Rosenman & Sivan, 1991 [Werner, Y. L., Le Verdier, A., Rosenman, D. & N. Sivan (1991): "Systematics and zoogeography of Cerastes (Ophidia: Viperidae) in the Levant: I. Distinguishing Arabian from African Cerastes cerastes". - The Snake 23: p. 90-100.]
* "Cerastes gasperettii mendelssohni" Werner & Sivan, 1999
* "Eirenis coronella ibrahimi" Sivan & Werner, 2003Sivan, N. & Y. L. Werner (2003): "Revision of the Middle-Eastern dwarf-snakes commonly assigned to Eirenis coronella (Colubridae)". - Zoology in the Middle East 28: p. 39-59.]
* "Eirenis coronelloides" Sivan & Werner, 2003
* "Laudakia stellio salehi" Werner, 2006 [Lachmann, E., Carmely, H. & Y. L. Werner (2006): "Subspeciation befogged by the "Seligmann effect": the case of Laudakia stellio (Reptilia: Sauria: Agamidae) in southern Sinai, Egypt". - Journal of Natural History 40 (19-20): p. 1259-1284.]
* "Mesalina bahaeldini" Segoli, Cohen & Werner, 2002 [Segoli, M., Cohen, T. & Y. L. Werner (2002): "A new lizard of the genus Mesalina from Mt. Sinai, Egypt (Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)". - Faunistische Abhandlungen 23 (1): p. 157-176.]
* "Micrelaps tchernovi" Werner, Babocsay, Carmely & Thuna, 2006 [Werner, Y. L., Babocsay, G., Carmely, H. & M. Thuna (2006): "Micrelaps in the southern Levant: variation, sexual dimorphism, and a new species (Serpentes: Atractaspididae)". - Zoology in the Middle East 38: p. 29-48.]
* "Ptyodactylus hasselquistii krameri" Werner, 1995 [Werner, Y. L. (1995): "Some unusual accidental herpetological finds from Cyprus and Lebanon, including a new Ptyodactylus (Reptilia: Lacertilia: Gekkonidae)". - Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 22 ("1994"): p. 67-76.] Attention: Amphibian and reptile taxa with the author's name "Werner" described between 1893 and 1938 are from the Austrian zoologist Franz Werner.


External links

* " [ Yehudah Leopold Werner: General Information, Curriculum Vitae, Publications]
* " [ Ha'aretz online (8/30/2007): Article with photos of Hyla heinzsteinitzi and Yehudah L. Werner] (in Hebrew)

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