Weedy scorpionfish

Weedy scorpionfish

name = Weedy scorpionfish

image_width = 270px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Scorpaeniformes
familia = Scorpaenidae
subfamilia = Scorpaeninae
genus = "Rhinopias"
species = "R. frondosa"
binomial = "Rhinopias frondosa"
binomial_authority = (Günther, 1892)

The weedy scorpionfish, sometimes also known as the popeyed scorpionfish, "Rhinopias frondosa", is a carnivorous ray-finned fish with venomous spines that lives in the Indian and Western Pacific oceans, from Japan to Australia and from South Africa to the Caroline Islands. They are found in depths ranging from 13 to 90 meters.FishBase species | genus = Rhinopias | species = frondosa | month = January | year = 2008]

Appearance and habitat

The weedy scorpionfish has a highly compressed body, can reach a maximum length of 23 cm, and can vary considerably in color as well as appendages depending on its environment. Specimens found in rocky, algae rich waters are covered in weed-like appendages, whereas specimens found in deeper soft-bottomed waters with soft corals and sponges have fewer appendages. Color can range vastly from dark red and purple to yellow and lavender. The variations differ so vastly that the specimens are often misidentified. Further complicating identification, there is currently disagreement over the species "Rhinopias eschmeyeri", which some experts consider not a valid species, but a variant of "R. frondosa".

Diet and behaviour

Like most Scorpaenidae, weedy scorpionfish are mostly nocturnal ambush hunters, using their camouflage to prey on unsuspecting fish and invertebrates. They rarely swim, but rather move along the bottom propelling themselves with their fins. [ [http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/may2003/Fish.htm Aquarium Fish ] ]


The weedy scorpionfish has no commercial value for fisheries, but commands a high price in the aquarium trade. Although they can be found in the U.S. and Europe, they are mostly exported to Japan where they fetch a very high price. Rhinopias are highly sought after by aquarists who collect rare and unusual species.


* http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/may2003/Fish.htm

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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