Bithynia troschelii

Bithynia troschelii

name = "Bithynia troschelii"

image_width = 225px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
ordo = Neotaenioglossa
familia = Bithyniidae
genus = "Bithynia"
species = "B. troschelii"
binomial = "Bithynia troschelii"
binomial_authority = (Paasch, 1842) [Paasch, A. 1842. "Beschreibung einer neuen bei Berlin gefundenen Paludina". - Archiv für Naturgeschichte 8 (1): 300-301, Taf. 6. Berlin.]
synonyms =
* "Bithynia leachii troschelii"

"Bithynia troschelii" is species of small freshwater snail, an aquatic prosobranch gastropod mollusk in the family Bithyniidae.


It is sometimes considered as eastern form of "Bithynia leachii" and then it is called "Bithynia leachii troschelii".

Distribution and conservation status

* Not listed in IUCN red list - not evaluated (NE) [2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Cited 9 January 2008.]

* Czech Republic - It is probably locally extinct in Moravia. Regionally extinct in the Czech Republic (RE) [Beran L., Juřičková L. & Horsák M. (2005) [ Mollusca (měkkýši)] , pp. 69-74. – In: Farkač J., Král D. & Škorpík M. [eds.] , Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. Red list of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates. – Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR, Praha, 760 pp.]
* Germany - Recorded in Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Thuringia. It is considered as high endangered ("Stark gefährdet") in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and in Lower Saxony. [Glöer P. & Meier-Brook C. (2003) Süsswassermollusken. DJN, pp. 134, page 106, ISBN 3-923376-02-2]
* ...


Freswater species.

hell description

Height of shell: 9-11 mm. Width of shell: 5-6 mm.


Recommended literature

* Falniowski A., Glöer P. & Szarowska M. (2004) "Bithynia troschelii" (Paach, 1842), a giant of unknown origin? - Folia Malacologica 12(3): 137139.

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