Boxerwood Gardens

Boxerwood Gardens

Boxerwood Gardens 15 acres (61,000 m²) is an arboretum featuring both native and unusual plant specimens, located within a larger preserve at 963 Ross Road, Lexington, Virginia, USA in the Shenandoah Valley.

The Arboretum contains thousands of labeled trees and shrubs, including 1,300 cultivars, with fine collections of dwarf conifers, magnolias, dogwoods, rhododendrons, azaleas and Japanese maples.

Examples of its collection include: 163 varieties of "Acer palmatum" (Japanese Maple), "Abies nebrodensis" (Sicilian Fir), "Acer buergerianum" (Trident maple), "Acer griseum" (Paperbark Maple), "Acer pensylanicum" (Striped maple), "Aesculus parviflora" (Bottlebrush Buckeye), "Aesculus pavia" (Red Buckeye), "Aesculus x carnea 'Briottii' "(Red Horsechestnut), "Chaemaecyparis obtusa" (Hinoki Falsecypress), "Chionanthus virginicus" (White Fringetree), "Cladrastis kentuckea" (American Yellowwood), "Cryptomeria japonica" (Japanese Cedar), "Halesia tetraptera" (Carolina Silverbell), "Ilex verticillata" (Winterberry), "Liquidunbar styraciflua 'Corky' "(Corky Sweetgum), "Malus 'Red Jade' "(Red Jade Crabapple), "Picea omorika 'Pendula"' (Weeping Serbian Spruce), "Syringa reticulata" (Japanese Tree Lilac), "Taxodium distichum" (Baldcypress), "Taxus species" (Yews), "Thuja occidntalis" (American Arborvitae), and "Viburnum prunifolium" (Blackhaw viburnum).

See also

* List of botanical gardens in the United States

External links

* [ Boxerwood web site]

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