- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
factions.On December 13–15 of
1984 a "Communist Unity Congress" was held inMadrid .Partido Comunista de España Unificado (PCEU, "Unified Communist Party of Spain"),Movimiento de Recuperación del PCE (MRPCE, "Movement for the Recuperation of the PCE"),Movimiento para la Recuperación y Unificación del PCE (MRUPCE, "Movement for the Recuperation and Unification of the PCE"),Candidatura Comunista (CC, "Communist Candidature"), and some minor groups unified themselves, thus creating "Partido Comunista" (renamed PCPE in1986 ). All these groups had surged from splits from theCommunist Party of Spain (PCE) during the 1970s and 1980s. Quickly after its foundation, PCPE was recognized by some other parties, such as theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union and other statebearingEastern bloc parties. The party was formed by those who were againstSantiago Carrillo 's Eurocommunist line in the PCE. The Catalan referent of PCPE was initiallyParty of Communists of Catalonia (PCC), but it later broke with PCPE and now the catalan referent is the Communist Party of the Peoples of Catalonia.PCPE briefly joined Izquierda Unida in
1987 . In2000 , theSpanish Communist Workers' Party (PCOE) merged with PCPE, and the publication of the united party became "Unidad y Lucha".PCPE publishes "Unidad y Lucha" and "Propuesta Comunista" (a theoretical journal). Before the PCOE-PCPE merger, the main publication of the party was "Nuevo Rumbo".
Colectivos de Jovenes Comunistas (CJC, Collectives of Communist Youth) is the youth wing of PCPE in all Spain except Catalonia (CJC-JCPC), Asturias and Galicia (CJC-CMC) and Euskadi and Navarra (CJC-GK).Federations of PCPE:
* Partido Comunista del Pueblo Andaluz - Communist Party of Andalucian People (PCPA)
* PCPE-Astúries - PCPE-Asturias
* Partido Comunista del Pueblo Canario - Communist Party of Canarian People (PCPC)
* Partit Comunista del Poble de Catalunya - Communist Party of People of Catalonia (PCPC)
* PCPE-Euskal Komunistak
* Partido Comunista do Pobo Galego - Communist Party of Galician People (PCPG)
* PCPE-País Valencià - PCPE-Valencian Country
* Partido Comunista del Pueblo Castellano - Communist Party of Castilian People (PCPC)External links
* [http://www.pcpe.es/ PCPE website]
* [http://www.pcpe-asturies.org PCPE-Asturies]
* [http://www.comunistasandaluces.org/ Communist Party of Andalucian People]
* [http://www.pcpcat.org/ Communist Party of the Peoples of Catalonia website]
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