

:"For the procedural negligence, see laches."infobox UK place

country = England
latitude= 53.174038
longitude= -2.921545
official_name= Lache
os_grid_reference= SJ385645
map_type= Cheshire
shire_district= Chester
shire_county = Cheshire
region= North West England
post_town= CHESTER
postcode_district = CH4
postcode_area= CH
dial_code= 01244
constituency_westminster=City of Chester

Lache (sometimes The Lache or Larché) is a housing estate in the city of Chester, Cheshire, U.K., with a population of around 10,000. It is located approximately 2 miles southwest of the ancient city, with good local transport links en route to Saltney.

The main streets are Cliveden road, which runs through the center of the estate, and Sycamore Drive. The area runs almost continuously into Westminster Park and Saltney.


City Council

Lache along with parts of Saltney is part of the Lache Park Chester City Council ward.

Lache Park

Lache forms the Lache Park ward for the purposes of electing councillors to Chester City Council. It elects 3 people to the council. Following the local government elections of 2007, the names of the three elected councillors were as follows (together with the dates on which their seats are up for re-election):

* Arthur Harada (Conservative) (up to 2010)
* David Hughes (Labour) (up to 2008)
* Neil Sullivan (Conservative) (up to 2011) [ [ County Council website leading to list of councillors.] Retrieval Date: 16 July, 2007.]

County Council

Lache Park forms part of the Overleigh Cheshire County Council Division.


* Stephen Mosley (Conservative)

British Parliament

Lache is in the City of Chester parliamentary constituency and is represented by Christine Russell, who has held the seat since 1997.


The next elections for Lache Park will be in 2007, for the City Council, when Labour councillor David Challen will be up for re-election.


In Lache Park, Arthur Harada was elected onto Chester City Council with 55% of the vote gaining the seat from Labour.


External links

* [ Socio-economic profile of the Lache area]

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  • lâche — [ laʃ ] adj. • v. 1135 sens II; de lâcher I ♦ (XIIIe) (Concret) 1 ♦ Qui n est pas tendu. ⇒ détendu, 1. flasque, 1. mou. Fil, ressort lâche. ♢ Par anal. Qui n est pas serré. « Nouer une cravate lâche » (Huysmans). Vêtement lâche. ⇒ flottant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • lâché — lâche [ laʃ ] adj. • v. 1135 sens II; de lâcher I ♦ (XIIIe) (Concret) 1 ♦ Qui n est pas tendu. ⇒ détendu, 1. flasque, 1. mou. Fil, ressort lâche. ♢ Par anal. Qui n est pas serré. « Nouer une cravate lâche » (Huysmans). Vêtement lâche. ⇒ flottant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lache — steht für: Pfütze, eine kleine Ansammlung von Wasser, kleinste Form der Stillgewässer Lache (Vilsalpseeberge), einen See in den Allgäuer Alpen Lache (Kreba Neudorf), einen Ortsteil von Kreba Neudorf Lache (Kinzig), ein Nebenfluss der Kinzig in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lâché — lâché, ée (lâ ché, chée) part. passé de lâcher. 1°   Rendu moins tendu. Une corde lâchée. 2°   Qu on a laissé aller. Le prisonnier lâché.    Par extension. •   Adieu ; ce mot lâché me fait rougir de honte, CORN. Cid, V, 1. •   Une parole lâchée… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Lache — ¹Lache Gelächter, Lacher, Lachsalve. ²Lache Flüssigkeitsansammlung, Pfütze; (landsch.): Sudel; (bayr., österr.): Lacke; (ostmd.): Lusche. * * * 1Lache,die:⇨Pfütze 2Lache,die:⇨Lachen(1),Gelächter(1) La …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • Lache — Lache, 1) ein, in einen Baum gehauenes Zeichen; 2) so v.w. Harzrisse, s.u. Harzreißen; 3) (Lachbaum), so v.w. Grenzbaum; 4) ein durch Buschholz gehauener Steig, die einzelnen Haue dadurch abzutheilen; 5) ein zusammengelaufenes stehendes Wasser,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • lâche — (lâ ch ) adj. 1°   Qui n est pas tendu, qui n est pas serré. La corde de cet arc est lâche. •   Ces coques [des vers à soie].... sont d une soie fort serrée, mais elles sont couvertes d un certain duvet fort léger et fort lâche, FONTEN. les… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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