:TLO can also mean Technology Licensing Office, a branch of many universities.:T. Lo is also the nickname of SmackDown! general manager
Theodore Long :T.L.O. also refers to an unnamed high school student involved in the U.S. Supreme Court case "New Jersey v. T.L.O. "TLO, or "Turun linja-autoilijain osakeyhtiö" (Finnish for "Turku Bus Operators Ltd") is a group of
bus companies and the main operator of the regionalpublic transport in the region ofTurku ,Finland . TLO was founded in1954 by over fifty private bus companies. Since then, the number of companies in the group has shrunk to eleven.On a normal day, 52 of the group's buses are in operation on lines between Turku and its neighbouring cities. The most important destinations of TLO's bus services are:
*Naantali (lines 11, 110, 201)
*Raisio (lines 11, 110, 115, 118, 119, 420, 421, 422)
** theMylly shopping centre (lines 180, 195, 420, 421)
**Kuninkoja (lines 190, 191, 194, 195)
*Kaarina (lines 11, 110, 111, 116, 192)
**Littoinen (line 110)
*Lieto (line 280)
*Rusko (lines 191, 194, 422)
*Vahto (lines 191, 422)
*Piikkiö (lines 111, 116)
*Paimio (lines 109, 111)
*Masku (lines 118, 119, 422)
*Nousiainen (lines 118, 119)
*Mynämäki (line 118)
*Merimasku ,Rymättylä (line 112 from Naantali)
*Lemu ,Askainen ,Velkua (unnumbered line)
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