

Bonzo may mean:

*Self-immolation, a ritualistic suicide practice, often used to refer to suicide by fire
* Bonzo the dog, a fictional character that was created by British commercial artist George E. Studdy
* John Bonham, the drummer for Led Zeppelin
* The title character in the 1951 comedy film Bedtime for Bonzo, starring Ronald Reagan
* A nickname for Ronald Reagan, based on the film above and mentioned in a number of songs;
** "My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)" by The Ramones
** "Bad Time For Bonzo" by The Damned
* The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
* The band Bonzo Goes to Washington, a reference to the above Ramones song
* Bonzo Madrid, a character in the Ender series.
* Uncle Bonzo, a menacing figure from Puccini's Madama Butterfly.
* Bonzos was the name of the small band of anti-Nazi Austrian agents that the British recruited to be dropped back into Austria to prevent the destruction of works of art.

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