- Bruce White
Brigadier Sir Bruce Gordon White, KBE,
FCGI ,FICE ,FIEE (1885-1983) was one of the leading British consultingengineer s of his generation. Son of the engineer Robert White (1842-1925)Bruce White joined his father's practice in 1919 together with his brother Colin White in 1923. On his father's death Bruce White became senior partner. After World War 2 when Bruce White was knighted, the practice became Sir Bruce White, Woolfe Barry and Partners. On Sir Bruce's retirement Allan Harry Beckett became senior partner. The family firm continues today as marine consulting engineers Beckett Rankine where Sir Bruce's grandson Gordon Rankine and Allan Beckett's son Tim Beckett are both Directors.Born on
5 February 1885 , he saw military service inEurope duringWorld War I and was appointed an MBE in 1919.During
World War II he returned to military service with the rank ofbrigadier . He held the posts of Director of Ports and IWT at theWar Office and Deputy Director, Department of Transportation Tn(5). He was part of the team involved in planning and designing of the ’’artificial’’Mulberry harbour s, having been responsible for the development of the four legged floating pontoons and the floating roadways that became the Spud pier heads and the Whale piers of these two harbours. These were used to supply allied forces in France after theD-day landings inNormandy . In this capacity he was chairman of the Harbours committee, which was principally made up of civilian consultantcivil engineer s who undertook the design of Mulberry.He was appointed a CBE in 1943 and a KBE in 1944. After the war his company was responsible for the design of the
Chiswick flyover, Bhavnagar Port, Bombay Marine Oil Terminal, Damman Port, Muara Port, the UK's first container terminal at Tilbury's Berth 30 and Singapore's first container berth. White worked into his nineties.He died on
29 September 1983 .Publications
The artificial invasion harbours called Mulberry, a personal story by Sir Bruce White KBE, 1980. Published privately and downloadable from http://www.brponline.co.uk/brpfs_downloads.html
Acquired by Acer Consultans in 1987, Sir Bruce White Wolfe Barry & Partners is now Hyder Consulting.
Who was Who
Mulberry – The return in Triumph by Michael Harrison, 1965.
A Harbour Goes To War: The Story Of Mulberry And The Men Who Made It Happen - J.Evans, R.Walter, E.Palmer; Publisher - South Machars Historical Society, 2000
[http://www.authorsonline.co.uk/New/Sample.asp?eBookID=431 A casual interview]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.