Institute of Earth magnetism, ionosphere and radiowaves propagation named after Nikolay Pushkov of the Russian Academy of Sciences or IZMIRAN for short ( _ru. Институт земного магнетизма, ионосферы и распространения радиоволн им. Н. В. Пушкова Российской Академии наук, ИЗМИРАН) - is a scientific institution of RAS founded in 1939 on the basis of the General Magnetic Survey Bureau and Pavlovskaya Magnetic Observatory of the General Geophysics Observatory.

Nikolay Vasilyevich Pushkov was an organizator and the first director of the institute.

Located in Troitsk, Moscow region.

Currently, the IZMIRAN director is Vladimir Dmitrievich Kuznetsov (since 2004).

Institute leads several space satellites programs:

* CORONAS - Complex ORbital Near Earth Solar Activities (experiment ended)
* COMPASS (Kompas) - Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma Autonomous Small Satellite (2001 in spaceflight)
* Interheliozond
* Intercosmos-19 (Cosmos-1809) - research of the Earth ionospheric structure and of the electromagnetic processes in it (experiment ended)
* Prognoz - a series of magnetometer satellites
* APEX - Active Plasma Experiments

External links

* [http://www.izmiran.ru/ Official IZMIRAN website] , Russian/English mixed content
* [http://helios.izmiran.rssi.ru/ Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of IZMIRAN]
* [http://compass.izmiran.ru/ Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma Autonomous Small Satellite]
* [http://matlab.izmiran.ru/magdata/mskread.html IZMIRAN Geophysical Situation Forecasting Center]

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