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sit — sit1 /sit/, v., sat or (Archaic) sate; sat or (Archaic) sitten; sitting. v.i. 1. to rest with the body supported by the buttocks or thighs; be seated. 2. to be located or situated: The house sits well up on the slope … Universalium
Iminoglycinuria — Classification and external resources Imine, a functional group found in imino acids ICD 10 E72.0 … Wikipedia
set — /set/, v., set, setting, n., adj., interj. v.t. 1. to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table. 2. to place in a particular position or posture: Set the baby on his feet. 3. to place in some relation to something … Universalium
akathisia — /ak euh thizh euh, thiz ee euh/, n. a state of motor restlessness, sometimes produced by neuroleptic medication, that ranges from a feeling of inner distress to an inability to sit still. [1900 05; < Czech akathisie < Gk a A 6 + káthis(is)… … Universalium
housesit — house sitter. house sitter, n. /hows sit /, v.i., housesat, housesitting. to take care of a house or residence while the owner or occupant is temporarily away, esp. by living in it. Also, house sit. [1975 80; HOUSE + SIT1, on the model of BABY… … Universalium
possession — /peuh zesh euhn/, n. 1. the act or fact of possessing. 2. the state of being possessed. 3. ownership. 4. Law. actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership. 5. a thing possessed: He packed all his possessions into one… … Universalium
prisiadka — /pris yahd keuh/, n. a step in Slavic folk dancing in which the dancer squats on the haunches and kicks out each foot alternately; the characteristic step of the kazachok. [1935 40; < Russ prisyádka, equiv. to prisyad , var. s. of prisést to… … Universalium
reside — resider, n. /ri zuyd /, v.i., resided, residing. 1. to dwell permanently or for a considerable time: She resides at 15 Maple Street. 2. (of things, qualities, etc.) to abide, lie, or be present habitually; exist or be inherent (usually fol. by… … Universalium
saddle — saddleless, adj. saddlelike, adj. /sad l/, n., v., saddled, saddling. n. 1. a seat for a rider on the back of a horse or other animal. 2. a similar seat on a bicycle, tractor, etc. 3. a part of a harness laid across the back of an animal and… … Universalium
séance — /say ahns/, n. 1. a meeting in which a spiritualist attempts to communicate with the spirits of the dead. 2. a session or sitting, as of a class or organization. [1795 1805; < F: session, equiv. to sé , base of seoir to SIT1 ( < L sedere) + ance… … Universalium