Dibble Dabble

Dibble Dabble

Dibble Dabble is a swimming pool game whose origins are unknown. It is known to have been played in New York, California, Illinois, Tennessee, and Florida. Kids enjoy playing Dibble Dabble for hours and hours. Adults may also enjoy playing Dibble Dabble.


The goal of Dibble Dabble is to hide a small yet floatable object under the water in a pool. All the players then look for the object. Most often a light blue golf tee or popsicle stick is used as the object which is hidden. Other variations have used hairspray caps, clear water bottle caps, or toothpicks as the object.


Players must start outside the pool while the Dibble Dabble is being hidden. Once the Dibble Dabble has been hidden players search for the Dibble Dabble. Once someone sees the Dibble Dabble they can jump in and try to grab it. Once someone grabs the Dibble Dabble they must loudly exclaim "Dibble Dabble!" Then a new round begins with the person who found the Dibble Dabble as the new Dibble Dabbler. Players cannot play with goggles or other devices which will give then an unfair advantage.


Sometimes you can fake players out by jumping in even when you don't see the Dibble Dabble or by jumping in the opposite direction as the Dibble Dabble. When someone jumps in the pool to grab the Dibble Dabble a good strategy is for the others to also jump in and try to splash so that the other cannot grab the Dibble Dabble.


Crabble: An inadvertent catch of the Dibble Dabble between ones fingers rather than clasped in the hands. Frabble: The act of catching the Dibble Dabble in between ones toes.


Dibble Dabble is a well known game in [http://www2.jsonline.com/news/state/oct01/darewis14101101.asp Wisconsin] and is played at [http://www.winnamocka.com/activities.html Camp Winnamocka] . Many other people in different areas across the US have discovered that others know of the game.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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