Registro Italiano Navale

Registro Italiano Navale

Infobox Company
company_name = RINA
company_type = Foundation
foundation = 1861
founder =
location = flagicon|Italy Genoa, Italy
key_people =
area_served = Global
industry = Classification society
products =
services = Marine classification and certification
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees = 1100
parent =
subsid =
homepage = []
footnotes =
international = yes

"For over 140 years at the service of the shipping and industrial world."

RINA was founded in Genoa in 1861 under the name REGISTRO ITALIANO, by the "Associazione della Mutua Assicurazione Marittima" (Mutual Marine Insurance Association) [established in Genoa in 1857 by ship managers and shipowners (or "ship shareholders"), to cover risks related to loss and/or damage of the hull and rigging of sailing ships] , to meet the needs of Italian maritime operators, as had already occurred in Great Britain and France. Since its foundation, Registro Italiano Navale has been an instrument of support for economic development in the areas where it operates. Over 140 years later, the role of RINA has not changed but it has expanded to meet the needs of a constantly evolving international economy.

The RINA Group

RINA S.p.A. is an operational company created by Registro Italiano Navale, a private body founded in Genoa in 1861 by a number of economic concerns involved in the maritime transport sector.RINA is one of the founding members of IACS and actively participates in technical, research and rule-making groups in different institutional contexts at national and international level.RINA S.p.A. operates competitively in the market and offers assessment, control, certification and research services, in compliance with national and international rules, related to materials, design, technology, products and plants, as well as undertaking tasks entrusted by governmental bodies and other authorities.

Organisation and structure

The organisational structure of the RINA Group consists of the parent company RINA S.p.A. and other associated or subsidiary companies. The RINA Group has offices in 32 countries worldwide; the Head Office is in Genoa and it has about 100 branch offices, 40 of which in Italy, and a workforce of over 1100 people. Particular attention is given to the development of human resources and to investment in Information Technology.

The marine sector

In the marine sector, ship classification represents RINA's main activity and consists in assigning a class to a ship on the basis of compliance of the design and materials used, in relation to the type of cargo and intended use of the ship, in conformity with international rules and standards. This activity is recognised not only by the Italian Government but also by almost 70 Flag Administrations. Supervision of new buildings is a service which RINA offers on the basis of its experience and technological know-how. The construction of a new ship represents a considerable technological, financial and organisational undertaking which makes it imperative that operators of the sector seek a totally reliable partner. This enables Italian shipowners to have an authoritative reference for the classification of their ships and, in general, for the certification of ship safety and pollution prevention standards. In this way, RINA guarantees Italy an authoritative presence in the maritime sector and in the industrial sector in general, to safeguard national industry, enhancing its specificity and interests.

Classification rules

RINA provides quality assurance and certification for important ship's components and accessories, including life-saving appliances, marine pollution prevention, fire protection, navigation, radio communication equipment, deck gear, cables, rodes, and anchors [ [ Anchor Certification, HHP & SHHP Classification, and Type Approval] ] .

The certification sector

Since the mid Nineties, RINA has widened and diversified its sphere of activities and has become, in a short time, market leader in certification and assessment of conformity in Italy, with a significant presence in various strategic areas of the world (Argentina, East Europe, Brazil, China, Greece, India, Spain, Turkey, etc…).RINA has focused on the development of services with high added value to meet different market and community needs and to point organisations in the direction of continuous improvement. As a guarantee of the reliability and value of its certificates and assessments, RINA has acquired over the years a wide range of national, EU and international recognitions from authorised bodies: APAT, BRC, EUREPGAP, FEE ITALIA, FTA, IATF, INMETRO, UKAS, MINISTERI COMPETENTI NABCB, SAI, SINCERT, SWEDAC, UNIFE, WRAP.RINA is also a member of the CISQ (Italian Certification of Company Quality Systems) Federation, which brings together the main national certification bodies, and adheres to the international agreement IQNet (The International Certification Network), which represents the biggest international network for the certification of quality, environmental and safety management systems. To date, RINA offers the following services:
* System certification (ISO 9001, QS 9000, AVSQ MIA, ISO/TS 16949, TE SUPPLEMENT, ISO 3834, ISO 13485, IRIS, ISO 14001, SA 8000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, UNI 10854, Legislative Decree 231/2001, UNI EN 14065, "Bollino Blu" for catering),
* Validation of the environmental statement (EMAS, EPD/LCA),
* Product certification in the food sector (traceability, BRC, IFS, EUREPGAP, UNI 10939, UNI 11020, No-GMO, product certification),
* Mandatory product certification (Directive 95/16/EC, Directive 89/106/EC, Directive 97/23/EC PED, Directive 98/37/EC, Directive 99/36/EC, Directive 96/48/EC, Directive 2001/16/EC),
* Building quality certification, certification of motorway qualitative levels and building energy certification,
* Certification of products in the railway sector (Directive 96/48/EC, Directive 2001/16/EC, technical acceptance support for railway network running, inspections and testing, manufacture/installation verification),
* Service certification (GREEN KEY, UNI 10891, maintenance service certification, certification of professional courses ENEL/TERNA),
* Personnel certification (non destructive testing operators - EN 473/ISO 9712, RINA, SNT TC 1A, API and EN, polyethylene piping welders - UNI 9737 and metal welders EN 287, EN 1418 and EN 9606)
* Inspections (verifications DPR 462/2001, verifications DM 329/04, periodical and non routine inspections DPR 162/99, inspections Dir. 2001/91/EC, Legislative decree 192/2005),
* 2nd party ethical audits (WRAP, BSCI, UCEC, 4C, company codes of ethics),
* Validation and verification of greenhouse gas emissions (ETS, CDM)
* Risk management (Basel 2 Rating, C-TPAT).

The industry sector

In connection with specialised assistance in the industrial and energy fields, the RINA Group offers its services to highly qualified operators, both public and private, not just in Italy but also in foreign areas of particular interest such as Kazakhstan, Iran, Croatia, Congo, Nigeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, UAE, Qatar and Malaysia.Moreover, over the years, the Industry Division has transferred the professionalism and experience acquired in traditional reference sectors to other markets, such as infrastructures and transport, logistics, property, banks, insurance, international organisations for social cooperation and renewable energy.In line with its role as a key element in the support of economic development and thus responding to the many needs of constantly evolving markets, the Industry Division today offers an extensive gamut of services ranging:
* from detailed engineering to owner’s engineer;
* from project validation and site supervision to certification services;
* from audits and expediting to insurance and quality control services;
* from HSE audits to risk assessment,and also including technical assistance services for private investors and donor institutions.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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