- Aquatic therapy
Aquatic therapy or pool therapy consists of an exercise program that is performed in the water. Aquatic therapy use the resistance of water instead of weights.
Physical therapists
Physical therapists (PTs) are health care professionals who evaluate and manage health conditions for people of all ages. They may use the title "Dr." as some complete doctorate programs. Typically, individuals consult a PT for the management of medical problems or other health-related conditions that cause pain, limit ability to move, or limit the performance of functional activities. PTs also help prevent health conditions through prevention, restoration of function and through fitness and wellness programs that achieve healthy and active lifestyles. PTs evaluate individuals, diagnose conditions, and develop management plans using treatment techniques that promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. They provide care in hospitals, clinics, schools, sports facilities, and more.
Qualifications in the United States
Physical Therapists must have a graduate degree from an accredited physical therapy program before taking the national licensing examination. Most [http://www.apta.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Education_Programs1&Template=/TaggedPage/TaggedPageDisplay.cfm&TPLID=105&ContentID=21332 educational programs] now offer the
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. All states (in theUnited States ) require physical therapists to pass the [National Physical Therapy Examination] after graduating from an accredited physical therapist educational program before they can practice.According to the
American Physical Therapy Association , there were 209 accredited physical therapist programs in2007 . Of the accredited programs, 31 offered theMaster of Physical Therapy , and 179 offered theDoctor of Physical Therapy degree. Virtually all programs are in transition to the DPT degree. Physical therapist programs start with basic science courses such asbiology ,chemistry , andphysics , and then introduce specialized courses such askinesiology ,biomechanics ,neuroanatomy ,human growth and development ,pathology , diagnostics, physical examination techniques, and therapeutic procedures. Besides classroom and laboratory instruction, students receive supervised clinical education.Physical therapists are expected to continue professional development by participating in continuing education courses and workshops. A number of states require continuing education to maintain
licensure .Many physical therapists pursue board certification in one of seven specialty areas (orthopaedic, pediatric, neurologic, sports, electrophysiologic, geriatric, and cardio-pulmonary). Board certified specialists must have demonstrated special expertise in their clinical area.
Aquatic Therapy From Laura Inverarity, D.O.,Your Guide to Physical Therapy.
Author/Editor: Aquatic Resources Network(1997) Aquatic Resources Network; Plymouth, MN
Journals and publications
Physical therapists have access to a wide range of publications and
journals . [ [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=226272 Mapping the literature of physical therapy.] E M Wakiji. "Bull Med Libr Assoc." 1997 July; 85(3): 284–288.] Some are strictly limited to physical therapy, while others (eg. variousorthopedic andsurgical journals) are not as specific, yet physical therapists contribute to them and read them. Here are a few:
* [http://physical-therapy.advanceweb.com/ Advance for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants]
* [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/sort Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica]
* [http://www.amjphysmedrehab.com/ American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation]
* [http://www.archives-pmr.org/ Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation]
* [http://www.corronline.com/ Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research]
* [http://www.jospt.org/ Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT)]
* [http://www.tandf.no/rehabmed/ Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine]
* [http://www.neurology.org/ Neurology]
* [http://www.ptjournal.org/ Physical Therapy: Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association]
* [http://www.apta.org/ptmag/ PT--Magazine of Physical Therapy]
* [http://www.spinejournal.com/ Spine]
* [http://www.physiotherapy.asn.au/AJP] Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
* [http://ajs.sagepub.com/ American Journal of Sports Medicine]
* [http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcmusculoskeletdisord BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders] Open Access Journal
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