- Sokoine University of Agriculture
Infobox University
name = Sokoine University of Agriculture
native_name = Chuo Kikuu Cha Sokoine Cha Kilimo|Logo
image_size =
caption =
latin_name =
motto =
established = 1984
closed =
type = Public
affiliation =
endowment =
rector =
officer_in_charge =
chairman =
chancellor = Hon. Al-noor Kassum
president =
vice-president =
superintendent =
provost =
vice_chancellor = Prof G. C. Monella
principal =
dean =
director =
head_label =
head =
faculty =
staff =
students =
undergrad =
postgrad =
doctoral =
other =
city =Morogoro
state =
province =
country =Tanzania
coor =
campus =
former_names =
free_label =
free =
sports =
colors =
colours =
nickname =
mascot =
athletics =
affiliations =
website = [http://www.suanet.ac.tz/ www.suanet.ac.tz]
footnotes =Sokoine University of Agriculture is
university inTanzania , specializing inagriculture . [cite web
title=Regional body gives anti-mine rats project nod
Sokoine University of Agriculture was established on the 1st July 1984. The University is currently made up of four campuses and one constituent college. The campuses are: the Main Campus and Solomon Mahlangu Campus in Morogoro; the Olmotonyi Campus in Arusha, and the Mazumbai Campus in Lushoto. The constituent college is the Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) located in Moshi.
The Main Campus lies on the slopes of the Uluguru Mountains at an altitude of about 500-600 metres above sea level and receives an average annual rainfall of between 600 - 1000 mm. The Main Campus has a total land area of 3,350 ha, of which about 2,300 ha are reserved for the University farm.
The University has four Faculties and six Directorates/Institutes, excluding those in the constituent college. The University also offers postgraduate training leading to the award of Master of Science and PhD in the respective fields of Agriculture, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Food Science, Human Nutrition, Forestry, Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (MNRSA), Veterinary Medicine, Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPVM), and Rural Development.
The Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) offers short-term in-service programmes to field and operational staff as well as training and extension services to farmers and community leaders. The Development Studies Institute (DSI) acquaints undergraduate students with the challenges of development and how to overcome them.
Undergraduate Programmes
* B.Sc. (Agriculture General)
* B.Sc. (Agronomy)
* B.Sc. (Home economics and Human Nutrition)
* B.Sc. (Horticulture)
* B.Sc. (Animal Science )
* B.Sc. (Food Science and Technology )
* B.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering)
* B.Sc. (Forestry )
* B.Sc. (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM))
* B.Sc. (Agric. Economics and Agribusiness)
* B.Sc. (Agricultural Education and Extension)
* B.Sc. (Wildlife Management)
* B.Sc. (Environmental Sciences and Mgt)
* B.Sc.(Biotechnology and Laboratory Sciences)
* B.Sc.(Aquaculture)
* BA (Rural Development)Postgraduate Programmes
* MSc. ((Crop Science )
* MSc. (Agricultural Education and Extension
* MSc. (Agricultural Economics)
* MSc. (Soil and Land Management)
* MSc. (Agricultural Engineering)
* MSc (Tropical Animal Production)
* MSc (Food Science)
* MSc (Human Nutrition)
* MSc. (Forestry )
* Msc (Wildlife Management)
* MSc. (Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Agriculture)
* Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVM)
* Master of Preventive Medicine (MPVM)
* M.Sc. Land Use Planning and Management
* M.Sc. Irrigation Engineering and Management
* M.A. (Rural Development)
* PhDResearch
The mission of the University in the field of research is to initiate and conduct basic and applied research in the fields of land use, crop and livestock production, fisheries, natural resources and allied sciences, mechanical arts and technology and to promote the integration of the research with training and agricultural extension services. The University’s research motto is “Management of natural resources for sustainable development and poverty alleviation.”
Currently, the University has about 175 researchers trained at PhD level in all fields of agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. Also, SUA has the comparative advantage over other research institutions as it uses students in conducting some research Programmes. Furthermore, there are about 45 signed agreements on research collaboration with a number of research institutions inside and outside Tanzania.
The mission of SUA in the field of extension is to:
* Prepare students to work with workers and farmers of Tanzania in the agricultural, wildlife, livestock and allied sectors for purposes of better development and strengthening of the national economy.
* Develop, promote and undertake the provision of adult and continuing education along side the teaching of regularly enrolled students designed to secure the development of and dissemination of various applied sciences and technologies required for the enhancement of the rural economy and the efficacious solution of the economic and social problems of rural areas of the United Republic.The Institute of Continuing Education and the Center for Sustainable Rural Development are the arms of the University responsible for coordinating and promoting the provision of extension services to the farmers and the public in general. The two centers are also responsible for organizing short training Programmes, workshops, and seminars for trainers.
The Head of the University is the Chancellor, whose main function is to confer degrees. The University Council is the main statutory body of the University for policy making. Other statutory bodies of the University are: Senate and Boards of Faculties, Institutes and Directorates. The University’s Chief Executive Officer is the Vice-Chancellor who is assisted by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance).
At the level of Faculties, Directorates and Institutes, the Deans and Directors, respectively, are responsible to the Vice-Chancellor through the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance).
The University has four faculties and two institutes, namely: The Faculties of Agriculture, Forestry and Nature Conservation, Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Science; the Development Studies Institute, and the Institute of Continuing Education. The University has three centers namely the Center for Sustainable Rural Development, Computer Center and Pest Management Centre. Additionally, there is a Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies and Sokoine National Agricultural Library. Solomon Mahlangu Campus is headed by the Director while SUA Training Forest and Mazumbai Forest Reserve are headed by Forest Managers.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.