

Proba-2 is the second satellite in ESA's series of low-cost satellites that are being used to validate new spacecraft technologies while also carrying scientific instruments. [ [ Technical and Quality Management Portal - Systems - Proba-2: Extending ESA’s commitment to technological innovation ] ] It is scheduled to launch end of 2008 with the Rockot launch system together with ESA's SMOS mission. [ [ Eurockot Launch Service Provider ] ]

PROBA2 contains two main instruments to observe the Sun: The Sun Watcher, using APS (SWAP, an EUV imager) and the Lyman Alpha Radiometer (LYRA).
Three minor instruments will also be apart of the package: the Dual Segmented Langmuir Probe (DSLP), the Thermal Plasma Measurement Unit (TPMU), and the Science Grade Vectorized Magnetometer (SGVM). [ [ ESA Science Programme Status of ILWS Related Activities] ]


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  • PROBA-2 — (Project for On Board Autonomy) est le deuxième satellite de l’Agence spatiale européenne à faible coût destiné à la mise au point de nouvelles technologies spatiales. Il a été lancé le 2 novembre 2009 (1 h 50 UTC) du Cosmodrome de Plesetsk par… …   Wikipédia en Français

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