- Anheuser family
The Anheuser family is a
German wine family from the Nahe in theRhineland-Palatinate . The Americanbrewery family ofAnheuser-Busch fame are descendants ofEberhard Anheuser who was born inBad Kreuznach . The Anheuser family has been producing wine in the Nahe since the 17th century and has continued producing wine for 13generation s under the name of Weingut Paul Anheuser.A. Diel & J. Payne "German Wine Guide" pg 263 Abbeville Press Publishers 1999 ISBN 0789205777 ]History
The earliest record of
winemaking by the Anheusers dates to 1627 with an Anheuser operating a winery in Bad Kreuznach. In 1842, Eberhard Anheuser immigrated toSt. Louis, Missouri while his nephew Rudolf Anheuser began purchasing more vineyards in theNahe valley around the towns ofAltenbamberg ,Monzingen ,Niederhausen ,Norheim ,Schloßböckelheim andRoxheim .Paul Anheuser " [http://www.anheuser.de/us/tradition.htm Family history] "] In 1861, Eberhard Anheuser would marry both of his daughters to the sons of a German wine merchant fromMainz and open a brewery with one of his son-in-laws,Adolphus Busch . [ Time Magazine " [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,807368-6,00.html The Baron of Beer] " pg 6 , July 11th 1955 ]References
External links
*Paul Anheuser [http://www.anheuser.de/us/ Official Site]
*Anheuser-Busch [http://www.anheuser-busch.com/History.html History]
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