- Payanam Village
Payanam is the nearest village to Unnamalaikadai, The total population is more than 2000. 99% of the people are educated. Lot of temples and churches are there. Major religions are
Hinduism andChristianity . It is the largest agricultural area of unnamalaikadai town panchayat, it contributes the 35% of total food production in Unnamalaikadai town panchayat.It is the beautiful village,a river, mountains and paddy fields are few of them to metion. Most of the people of payanam are working in paddy fields and brick industries. They are believing self employment is far better than waiting for a suitable job.
Payanam is also called as temple village.Across the village you could see lot of temples. Among these temples Chenbagavalli Amman Temple is the most famous one (Sasikumar.C "Speaks").
In Payanam there is one Christian church C.S.I payanam and many hindus temple mahadevar temple and karupparai."Karupparai" is the one of the famous temple in kanyakumari district.
Two big Auditoriam Chenbagavalli and Hacker(C.S.I payanam).Two schools chenbagavalli nursery & primary school and Hacker matriculation school.
Beautiful hills endowed the place named payanam "pottai" separated by Unnamalaikadai and Cheruhol Panchayat.About thousand people living in Pottai.The main agriculture in "pottai" is natural rubber that is the daily income of the people.So payanam is the beautiful villlage in Kanyakumari District.(Tamil: கன்னியாகுமரி மாவட்டம்) (N.Jegan,"Payanam").
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