Penobscot Bay

Penobscot Bay

Penobscot Bay originates from the mouth of Maine's Penobscot River. There are many islands in this bay, and on them, some of the country's most well-known summer colonies. The bay served as portal for the one time "lumber capital of the world," namely; the city of Bangor. Named after the major river that feeds it, this bay area forms part of the traditional homeland of the Wabanaki Indians, in particular the Penobscot tribe (also named after this river). For thousands of years, they hunted, fished, and gathered clams and other food in this bay area. Ancient remains of their campsites have been found on the bay's shores and islands. [For a freely accessible digital text on Wabanaki culture and history on the Maine coast, see "Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000," by Harald E.L. Prins and Bunny McBride (National Park Service, 2007) ]

Islands in Penobscot Bay

*Isle au Haut
*North Haven
*Sears Island
*Great Spruce Head
*Eagle Island
*Butter Island
*Bear Island

Towns along the western side

*Rockland (The Farnsworth has large collection of paintings by N.C., Andrew and James Wyeth)
*Camden Hills State Park
*Searsport (Penobscot Marine Museum)
*Stockton Springs
*Verona Island

Towns on the eastern side

*West Penobscot
*Harbor Side
*Little Deer Isle
*Deer Isle (the town)
*Stonington (large lobster fishing center)


External links

* [ "The Ancient Penobscot, or Panawanskek." Historical Magazine, February, 1872.]
* [ "Joshua Treat: The Pioneer Settler on Penobscot River." by Joseph Whitcomb Porter, 1889 (pdf)]
* [ "The Farnsworth Museum"]
* [ "The Penobscot Marine Museum"]
* [ "Penobscot Bay Watch [NGO web portal on Penobscot Bay management, conservation, ecology, history and advocacy."]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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