

Terqa is the name of an ancient city discovered at the site of Tell Ashara on the banks of the middle Euphrates in Syria, approximately 80 km from the modern border with Iraq. Terqa was the leading city of the Khana kingdom. For a time Terqa was influenced by the neighboring city of Mari.


Between 1976 and 1986 the site was excavated by archaeologists under the co-direction of Dr. Giorgio Buccellati and Dr. Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati. About one-third of the 20 acre site is occupied by the modern town of Ashara, and is not available for excavation. A region known as Qraya lies to the north.

Four superimposed temples dedicated to the Goddess of Health, Ninkarrak were discovered on this site.

External links

* [http://users.stlcc.edu/mfuller/aia/papers/chavalas/chavalas.html Terqa and Haradum: A comparative analysis of old Babylonian period houses along the Euphrates]
* [http://www.iimas.org/Terqa.html The Joint Expedition to Terqa]
* [http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~semitic/wl/digsites/Mesopotamia/Terqa_99/ Final publication of the excavations by the Joint Expedition to Terqa]
* [http://www.syriait.com/terqa/index.html Syria Museum Cylinder Seal] -- artifact from Terqa, 1800 BC


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