Ng Boon Bee

Ng Boon Bee

Ng Boon Bee (伍文美) (born December 17, 1937) is a former Malaysian badminton player who won numerous international doubles titles from the early 1960s to the early 1970s. In combination, first, with Tan Yee Khan and later with Punch Gunalan he won open men's doubles events in Malaysia, Indonesia, Denmark, Germany, Canada, and the USA among other countries. He shared the prestigious All-England men's doubles title on three occasions, 1965, 1966, and 1971, the first two with Yee Khan and the last with Gunalan.[1] Known for his quickness, power, and anticipation, Boon Bee was a member of Malaysia's world champion Thomas Cup (men's international) team in 1967.[2] He was inducted into the World Badminton Hall of Fame in 1998. A fine all-around athlete, Boon Bee also represented Malaysia in football (soccer) at one time.


  1. ^ Pat Davis,The Guinness Book of Badminton (Enfield, Middlesex, England: Guinness Superlatives Ltd., 1983) 107.
  2. ^ Herbert Scheele ed., The International Badminton Federation Handbook for 1971 (Canterbury, Kent, England: J.A. Jennings Ltd., 1971) 78, 84.

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