
Industry News agency
Founded August 20, 1968
Headquarters Mexico City, Mexico
Employees +300
Website ntmx

Notimex is the semi-official Mexican news agency. It was created on August 20, 1968, to handle coverage of the 1968 Summer Olympics. It is headquartered in Mexico City and has eight regional coordinating offices throughout Mexico. Its staff consists of over 300 writers, editors, photographers, reporters and correspondents.[1]

It was originally called called Agencia Mexicana de Noticias Notimex. Its goals, according to law, were contributing to the realization of the people's right to information through the provision of professional news services, to Mexican state and any other person, entity or public body or private, domestic or foreign, with genuine editorial independence (Article 1)[citation needed].

In June 2006, following reform of its charter, its official name became Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano. The principal reform was independence from the Secretary of the Interior and administration by a governing board composed of representatives of the state[citation needed].

Organization of Notimex

The administration agencies are:


  1. ^ "PrimeZone Signs Agreement with Notimex to Strengthen News Distribution Capability in Latin America", PrimeZone press release, October 31, 2005. Retrieved 2008-01-02.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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