serotonergic — also serotoninergic adjective Etymology: serotonin + ergic Date: 1957 liberating, activated by, or involving serotonin in the transmission of nerve impulses < a serotonergic neuron > < serotonergic pathways > … New Collegiate Dictionary
serotonergic — adjective Containing or releasing serotonin. Moreover, the results of multiple administrations of the receptor ligands to control rats indicate that the NPY systems in both structures under study are modulated in the same manner by dopaminergic… … Wiktionary
Serotonergic psychedelic — Serotonergic psychedelics (also known as serotonergic hallucinogens) are a class of hallucinogenic drugs (specifically psychedelic drugs) with a method of action strongly tied to the serotonin neurotransmitter. Serotonin (often referred to as 5… … Wikipedia
Serotonergic cell groups — refer to collections of neurons in the central nervous system that have been demonstrated by histochemical fluorescence to contain the neurotransmitter serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine).[1] Since they are for the most part localized to classical… … Wikipedia
serotonergic — /ser euh tn err jik/, adj. containing or activated by serotonin. [1965 70; SEROTON(IN) + ERGIC] * * * … Universalium
serotonergic — Related to the action of serotonin or its precursor l tryptophan. [serotonin + G. ergon, work] * * * se·ro·to·ner·gic .sir ə tə nər jik or se·ro·to·nin·er·gic .sir ə .tō nə nər jik adj liberating, activated by, or involving serotonin in the… … Medical dictionary
serotonergic — se·ro·to·ner·gic … English syllables
serotonergic — /sɛrətoʊˈnɜdʒɪk/ (say seruhtoh nerjik) adjective producing serotonin. {seroton(in) + ergic} …
serotonergic — … Useful english dictionary
Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant — Nassa redirects here. For the sea snail genus, see Nassa (gastropod). Chemical structure of the tetracyclic antidepressant mirtazapine Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NaSSAs) are a class of psychiatric drugs used… … Wikipedia