Business Server Pages

Business Server Pages

BSP stands for Business Server pages.

It is a technology provided by SAP AG on their application servers (Netweaver, SAP Web Application Servers).

It replaces the SAP ITS technology to get web pages.

You can compare SAP BSP with Microsoft ASP, Java JSP or PHP technology.

Now it competes with SAP WebDynpro and Java technology on SAP application servers.

But BSP is much more flexible than webdynpro for developers as they can mix ABAP code, HTMLB, HTML and Javascript freely so they can use the latest technologies such as Ajax and other javascript rich client libraries and services including Google and Yahoo APIs.

When creating your application, you can take advantage of the Model View Controller (MVC) design patterns.

The HTMLB and XHTMLB HTML Business libraries are available as BSP Extensions for a uniform layout and its associated usability advantages.

For example there is a tableview htmlb tag that can display the content of an SQL table into a user friendly HTML table with ordering, and filtering features, and so with very little code for the developer.

SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP) let the possibility to integrate SAP BSP applications, so that it can be a good choice to develop new web applications.

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