- Washington Assessment of Student Learning
The Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) is a standardized educational assessment system that is also used as a
high school graduation examination in Washington State. The WASL assessment consists of examinations over four subjects (reading, mathematics, science, and writing) with four different types of questions (multiple-choice, short-answer, essay, and problem solving). It is given to students from third to tenth grade, though it is not required in the ninth grade. Third & sixth graders are tested in reading and math; fourth and seventh graders in math, reading and writing. Fifth and eighth graders are tested in reading and science.About
When compared to other forms of academic assessment, standardized testing is said to be a cost effective method to evaluate the performance of schools. They also suggest that standardized testing can be used to further “educational accountability.”fact|date=February 2008
The reading and mathematics components of the WASL assessment are administered to students in the third through eighth grades in Washington’s public schools. Tenth grade students are required to take WASL examinations in four subjects. In 2008, satisfactory completion of the WASL reading and writing examinations will be mandatory high school graduation requirements. In 2013, satisfactory completion of the WASL science and mathematics examinations will also be high school graduation requirements.
In 1993 the state legislature created the Commission on Student Learning and charged it with the job of developing the Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) and an assessment system to measure student progress. That assessment system became known as the WASL. Further development of the WASL became the responsibility of the
Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction when the Commission on Student Learning was dissolved in 1999. [" [http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/ReadingPracticeTests/AppendixA-HSreading.pdf A Brief History of Essential Academic Learning Requirements and the Washington Assessment of Student Learning] ." Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Retrieved 2/19/08.]Controversy
Many parents' and teachers' groups are protesting against the WASL, claiming unreasonable expectations and unusual questions, and also disputing the fact that even severely learning-disabled students are required to take the test. [ [http://www.k12academics.com/wasl_controversy.htm Washington Assessment of Student Learning: Controversy - K12 Academics ] ] During the Washington State PTAs 2006 convention the delegates unanimously voted to "oppose any efforts to use a single indicator for making decisions about individual student opportunities such as grade promotion, high school graduation, or entrance into specific educational programs." Instead of a single measure, such as the WASL, Washington State PTA supports multiple measures of student achievement. [ [http://www.wastatepta.org/leg/resolutions07.pdf Washington State PTA Board Positions and Resolutions] STUDENT ASSESSMENT AND TESTING 18.13 Resolution 2006]
Some WASL examinations (including the writing examinations) are graded by human scorers, and the qualifications of these scorers have sometimes been points of contention.fact|date=February 2008 WASL examinations were developed and originally graded by practicing teachers, but current test scorers are only required to have a bachelor’s degree and minimal test-grading training. [(n.d.) [http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/FAQ.aspx#7 Who Scores the WASL] ] The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is currently only supporting the involvement of Washington educators in the scoring of the Writing section of the WASL. OSPI will no longer be supporting teachers in the scoring of Reading, Math and Science. [(n.d.) [http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/TestAdministration/pubdocs/2007-08ScoringAnnouncement.pdf] 2007-2008 scoring announcement] Additionally, inconsistency in human scorers’ evaluations of answers has undermined the legitimacy of some WASL examinations’ results.fact|date=February 2008 The belief that human-generated scores may be inconsistent is further perpetuated by the fact that they (the scorers) are only expected to reach a little more than fifty-five percent agreement on a given score.fact|date=February 2008
Due to the inconsistencies in scoring, educators warn that the WASL examinations are not appropriate for determining grade advancement and high school graduation. Despite these warnings, recent legislation in Washington State has designated the WASL examinations for these purposes.fact|date=February 2008
Due to the wide variation in strand performance schools are unable to use WASL results to identify specific content areas needing improvement. [ [http://www.wsipp.wa.gov/rptfiles/06-11-2205.pdf TENTH-GRADE WASL STRANDS:STUDENT PERFORMANCE VARIES CONSIDERABLY OVER TIME] Washington State Institute for Public Policy; last accessed Ferbruary 24, 2008]
2006 results
About one in two tenth graders did not pass all of the sections of the WASL needed to graduate with a diploma in two years. [ [http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/WASLCurrent.aspx?schoolId=1&reportLevel=State&year=2005-06&gradeLevel=10&groupLevel=District&waslCategory=1&chartType=1&gradeLevelId=3#&gradeLevel=3 Washington State Reort Card] ] Scores also fell across the board in certain grades, leading some to question whether there was a problem with the scoring since this change appeared in many different schools and districts. The president of the
Washington Education Association teacher's union pointed to the very high failure rate as being unacceptable, and a reason to drop the WASL requirement for graduation. [ [http://www.washingtonea.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=925&Itemid=0 Declining reading scores reflect OSPI's flawed policies] Washington Education Association Website] SuperintendentTerry Bergeson responded saying that it would be a mistake to turn back on the commitment to graduate all students at a high standard.fact|date=February 2008A Sept 2006 investigation by the "Snohomish County Journal" found that the WASL was based on work by
Robert Carkhuff , a self-published Washington OSPI contractor. He has had a decades-long professional relationship with key OSPI staff membersTerry Bergeson andShirley McCune . Documents show he was paid more than $1 million to restructure Washington state education around his thinking systems. [ Kristin Kline (September 13, 2006). [http://www.grumpyconsumer.com/091306%20Sno%20wasl%20(2).pdf Investigation shows WASL design may be flawed.] "Snohomish County Tribune". Accessed2007-09-15 .] The investigation concluded that the WASL was designed improperly and that flaws within the test were responsible for the high rate of student failure. Among the problematic components of the test were the structure, phrasing, and content of its math and writing sections. These sections were not designed with a complete understanding of the intellectual abilities and knowledge levels of students. The investigation concluded that the best method to ensure the fulfillment of Terry Bergeson’s pledge that all students have the opportunity to earn a diploma was to correct the flaws within the WASL.High minority failure rates
Compared to the half of most students, nearly three-quarters of the state's African American and Latino students who took the 10th-grade WASL failed at least one of the subjects needed to graduate. Two-thirds of Native Americans were not on-track to earning a diploma, and 70 percent of students living in poverty, mostly white and Asian. [Linda Shaw (September 14, 2006). [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003257791_wasl14m.html Failure rates of minorities on WASL "painful"] "Seattle Times". Accessed
2007-09-15 .] Although research has shown anachievement gap has always existed between most groups on allstandardized test s, state Superintendent Terry Bergeson told the Seattle Times the state "must ensure success of all students," as it is the core belief of standards-based education reform. Bergeson's goal is to make Washington the first state to eliminate theachievement gap found between ethnic and income groups. [ [http://www.learningcurveonline.org/reports/kplu1c.asp Ed Reform and Federal Control] The Learning Curve Online]Math cancelled, science section delay
On May 8, 2007, Governor Gregoire signed and officially called the delay of the math andscience sections of the WASL test. Students in the Class of 2008 will still have toonly pass the reading and writing sections. On March 26, 2008, Gregoire effectively tossed out the math section of the 10th-grade WASL, largely due to low pass rates and debate over its long list of problems, to be replaced by math tests at the end of classes. [ [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/education/2004309300_wasl27m.html Math WASL will be history by 2014 By Linda Shaw] ]
Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment (WCBPA)
In order to address concerns that only math, science, reading and writing will be assessed, classroom based assessments in many fields have been created and piloted by actual students through an OSPI project focused on
student voice andauthentic assessment .fact|date=February 2008Arts
In [http://www.k12.wa.us/Assessment/WASL/Arts/CBAs/SingleTasksMusic.pdf music] , 5th graders are asked to sight sing from sheet music. They may use
solfege , scale numbers, or fingering without an instrument. Songs must be sung with a steady beat, correct pitch and correct rhythmic value. A 0 point response will result with six or more rhythmic errors or not maintaining a steady beat. Each student will have one minute to study and practice the sight-singing exercise. Then there will be two opportunities to perform while being videotaped. They are also expected to compose on demand a theme using blank staff paper, and perform it on an instrument.In [http://www.k12.wa.us/Assessment/WASL/Arts/CBAs/SingleTasksDance.pdf dance] , the state expects that all 5th graders can interpret a piece of visual art by creating and performing an original dance. A jumping jack "X" must be fully extended, a wilted "X" is not acceptable. Ending in a shape must be held for 3 seconds. Dances must perform in bare feet or appropriate dancing shoes. The student has 20 minutes to create and rehearse their dance, and must describe two ideas, images, or feelings and explain why he or she chose the movement or movement phrase.
Other Arts assessments include [http://www.k12.wa.us/Assessment/WASL/Arts/CBAs/SingleTasksTheatre.pdf theatre] and [http://www.k12.wa.us/Assessment/WASL/Arts/CBAs/SingleTasksVA.pdf visual arts]
External links
* [http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/summary.aspx?schoolId=1&reportLevel=State&orgLinkId=64&yrs= Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - Washington State Report Card (WASL scores)]
* [http://cms.washingtonea.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=468&Itemid=0 Washington Education Association WEA]
* [http://curewashington.org/WASL.shtml CURE of Washington state (Citizens United for Responsible Education)]
* [http://www.mothersagainstwasl.org/ Mothers Against WASL (MAW)]
* [http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/index.php?command=view&id=472&printerFriendly=true Discovery Institute]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.