- Goldeneye (duck)
image_width = 250px
image_caption =Common Goldeneye ("Bucephala clangula")
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
ordo =Anseriformes
familia =Anatidae
genus = "Bucephala"
genus_authority = Boie,1822
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Bucephala albeola "
"Bucephala clangula "
"Bucephala islandica "
synonyms ="Charitonetta"
and see textGoldeneye are small tree-hole nesting
northern hemisphere seaduck s belonging to thegenus "Bucephala". Their plumage is black and white, and they eatfish ,crustacean s and other marine life.The
Bufflehead was formerly separated in its own genus "Charitonetta", while the goldeneyes proper were mistakenly placed in "Clangula", the genus of theLong-tailed Duck which at that time was placed in "Harelda".The three living species are
*Common Goldeneye "Bucephala clangula "
*Barrow's Goldeneye "Bucephala islandica"
*Bufflehead "Bucephala albeola"Known
fossil taxa are:
* "Bucephala cereti" (Sajóvölgyi Middle Miocene of Mátraszõlõs, Hungary - Late Pliocene of Chilhac, France)
* "Bucephala ossivalis" (Late Miocene/Early Pliocene of Bone Valley, USA), which was very similar to the Common Goldeneye and may even have been apaleosubspecies or direct ancestor
* "Bucephala fossilis" (Late Pliocene of California, USA)
* "Bucephala angustipes" (Early Pleistocene of C Europe)
* "Bucephala" sp. (Early Pleistocene of Dursunlu, Turkey: Louchart "et al." 1998)References
* Louchart, Antoine; Mourer-Chauviré, Cécile; Guleç, Erksin; Howell, Francis Clark & White, Tim D. (1998): L'avifaune de Dursunlu, Turquie, Pléistocène inférieur: climat, environnement et biogéographie. "C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris IIA" 327(5): 341-346. [French with English abridged version] DOI|10.1016/S1251-8050(98)80053-0 (HTML abstract)
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