- Trey of Triforia
Infobox Power Rangers
Color = black
Color text = gold
Series =
Name = Trey of Triforia
Title = Gold Ranger
First appearance =The Power of Gold
Last appearance = Countdown to Destruction, Part 2
Status = King of Triforia
Affiliation =
Homeworld =Triforia
Weapons = Golden Power Staff
Zords = Pyramidas
Warrior Wheel
Portrayed by =Ted DiFillipo Tom DiFillipo Tim DiFillipo Brad Hawkins (voice)Trey of Triforia is a
fictional character andhero from thePower Rangers universe, appearing in thetelevision series "".Trey is the
prince of theplanet Triforia (the symbol on his Gold Power staff iskanji for 'king'), and a member of the race of Triforians. He was the original Gold Ranger, and arrived on Earth to help the fight theMachine Empire .Trey provided several powerful
zord s that the Rangers used to battle the Machine Empire, including the Super Zeozords, Warrior Wheel, and his own spaceship, Pyramidas.Trey as the Gold Ranger was the second person to have a theme song, "Go Gold Ranger", and the third overall, following
Tommy Oliver 's "Go Green Ranger Go" and "White Ranger Tiger Power".History
When Trey first appeared as the Gold Ranger, he kept his identity concealed (leading the other Rangers to suspect that he might in fact be
Billy Cranston ). However, he was wounded and forced to reveal himself. When he did so, his unity was shattered (see the note on Triforians, below) and his three souls became separate individuals: Trey of Courage, Trey of Wisdom, and Trey of Heart.While he existed as separate entities, Trey could no longer use his Gold Ranger powers and passed them to
Jason Lee Scott temporarily. One of his entities was briefly seen when Trey gave theZeo Rangers another weapon. However, it was never specified which entity (Wisdom, Courage or Heart) they were talking to. When he was finally restored with the help ofZordon andAlpha 5 , and Jason's life force was fading away with the Gold Ranger powers, Trey used the Power Transfer Ceremony to unify his three forms and take back the Gold Ranger Powers and helped the Zeo Rangers defeatKing Mondo , using an ability the Golden Power Staff possessed to make them all grow to Zord-size. Following this battle, Trey reclaimed Pyramidas and returned to Triforia, not making contact with the Rangers again.In
Power Rangers in Space Two years later, when Dark Specter’s forces launched their assault on the universe, battles spread over many worlds. Trey fought as the Gold Ranger once again, struggling against the forces of Lord Zedd and Rita (possibly on Triforia). After being overwhelmed and restrained by monsters, Trey could only watch as Ecliptor’s hologram appeared announcing the destruction of Dark Specter and Astronema as the new supreme ruler. Later the next day, Zordon’s energy wave swept the universe, turning all the monsters into dust. This also reverted Lord Zedd and Rita into humans with a puzzled Gold Ranger looking on.
Trey's planet is Triforia, home to the Triforian people. The planet's surface is covered by landmasses with few bodies of water. The massive planet is orbited by three moons.
The planet Triforia was involved in the procedure to reunite Trey in a single body, as was the planet
Aquitar .The character Marah in episode 23 "Tongue and Cheek" in "
Power Rangers Ninja Storm " made a reference to Triforia, saying the guys were three times cuter on that planet.Triforians
Triforians are a race of trifold beings who exist in three different bodies instead of only one. The three different bodies, and their accompanying personalities, are normally joined as one but can be split into three. Once split into three, it can be a very difficult and sometimes painful process to rejoin.
When Trey was separated into three, his forms were of Courage, Wisdom and Heart, although it is by no means guaranteed that it would be the same for all members of that race.
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