- Au Tabor
Au Tabor is a town on the island of
Saint Lucia ; it is located on the western coast, just aboveAnse La Raye .fact|date=December 2007
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Au Tabor is a town on the island of
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tabor — steht für: Tabor (Wehranlage), eine Wehranlage im Mittelalter, nach dem Berg der Kreuzfahrer Tabor (Musikinstrument), ein Musikinstrument Tabor oder Tábor ist der Name folgender geographischer Objekte: Okres Tábor, Verwaltungsgebiet im Südböhmen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tabor Academy — is a four year independent preparatory school located in Marion, Massachusetts, United States. Tabor offers a rigorous academic program, and is world known for its marine science courses. Tabor s location on Buzzards Bay has earned it the name of … Wikipedia
Tabor (Stadt) — Tábor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tabor (Tschechien) — Tábor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tábor (Stadt) — Tábor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tábor (Schiff) — Tábor Bodensee Fähre Tábor vor dem Hafen Staad p1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tabor — may have the following meanings:Proper namesPlaces* Mount Tabor (disambiguation) * Tábor, Czech Republic ** Taborite, member of a 15th century religious group considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church * Tabor, Iowa, USA * Tabor, South… … Wikipedia
Tábor — Tábor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tabor Church — Taborkirche (de) Tabor Church with the tower stump as seen from the T junction of Wrangelstr. into Taborstr. Basic information Location Kreuzberg, a locality of Berlin … Wikipedia
Tábor — Héraldique … Wikipédia en Français
TABOR, MOUNT — (Heb. תָּבוֹר), a dome shaped mountain in the N.E. part of the Jezreel Valley, N. of the Afulah Tiberias road. The peak rises approximately 1,750 ft. (563 m.) above sea level and approximately 1,500 ft. (c. 500 m.) above the surrounding plain.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism