- Sky High (Transformers)
Sky High is the name of several
fictional characters in the variousTransformers universes . He is the first instance of the reuse of a name in the Transformers fiction on different characters.Transformers: Generation 1 (1988)
Transformers character
name =Sky High
caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Pretender
rank =6
function =Scout
partner =
motto ="Imagination is the key that unlocks the chains of reality."
alternatemodes =Helicopter
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =The first Sky High is a Pretender Autobot who turns into a helicopter. [ [http://www.tfu.info/1988/Autobot/SkyHigh/skyhigh.htm Sky High (1988) - Autobot Scout - www.tfu.info ] ]Marvel Comics
Although not seen or mentioned directly, Sky High was among the Autobots who joined
Fortress Maximus in leavingCybertron for the planetNebulos (Transformers: Headmasters #1). Unfortunately, they were followed to Nebulos by theDecepticon s underScorponok , leading war to break out once more. Fortress Maximus's band left Nebulos for the planet Earth, with the Decepticons in close pursuit. (Transformers: Headmasters #4).When Brainstorm needed subjects to duplicate a Decepticon Pretender experiment, Sky High and five other Autobots volunteered and became the Autobot Pretenders. They fought the Decepticon Pretenders with the help of
Optimus Prime and Goldbug (Transformers #40). They soundly defeated their Decepticon Pretender rivals, who thought they were simply giant humans.Dreamwave Productions
Sky High did not appear in any fiction from Dreamwave Productions, but did get a one page biography in their "More Than Meets The Eye" series.
*Generation 1 Pretender Sky High (1988)
Transformers: Generation 1 (1990)
Transformers character
name =Sky High
caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Micromaster
rank =
function =Air Defense
partner =Blaze Master, Eagle Eye, Treadbolt
motto ="The sky's the limit."
alternatemodes =Jet
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =The second Sky High is a Micromaster Autobot jet.Dreamwave Productions
Sky High received a single page biography in the Dreamwave Productions More Than Meets The Eye series, but did not appear in any fiction. He is portrayed as an unflapable optimust.
IDW Publishing
Sky High was among the Micromasters who appeared in "Spotlight: Hardhead" who attacked Nightbeat and Hardhead on the planet
Gorlam Prime .Toys
*Generation 1 Micromaster Sky High (1988) :Packaged with his partners Blaze Master, Eagle Eye and Treadbolt. [ [http://www.tfu.info/1990/Autobot/SkyHigh/skyhigh.htm Sky High (1990) - Autobot Air Defense - www.tfu.info ] ]
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