Richard Parkinson

Richard Parkinson

Richard Parkinson (1844, in Augustenburg (Alsen Island- 1909) was a Danish explorer and Anthropologist.

In 1875 he became a representative of the Hamburg trading firm J. C Godeffroy & Sohn in Samoa. He was, in part, employed to collect ethnographic material for the Godeffroy Museum.He remained in Samoa until 1882, settling afterwards on the Gazelle Peninsula , New Britain. From there he undertook larger and smaller journeys to the Bismarck Archipelago, then the Solomon Islands and New Guinea.His masterwork "Dreißig Jahre in der Südsee" , Thirty years in the South Seas, appeared in several editions (first 1907 and 1911). It describes in detail the islands, Neulauenburg ( Duke of York Islands ) , Neumecklenburg and New Hanover, St. Matthias Islands, the Admiralty Islands, the German Solomon Islands , their societies, masks and mask dances, legends and fairy tales as well as the languages.He also collected zoological specimens, especially insects.


* "Im Bismarckarchipel." Leipzig: Brockhaus 1887 (Repr. 2006 im Verlag Fines Mundi, Saarbrücken)
* "Dreißig Jahre in der Südsee. Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche im Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutschen Salomoinseln." Herausgegeben von Dr. B. Ankermann, Direktorial-Assistent am königlichen Museum für Völkerkunde zu Berlin. Strecker & Schröder, Stuttgart 1907 (Neuausgabe ebd. 1911; 2. Auflage bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. August Eichhorn, ebd. 1926)
* "Aberglaube und Zauberwesen der Südseeinsulaner." Ensslin & Laiblin, Reutlingen [1932]

External links

* [ Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft in der Stadt- und Universitatsbibliothek Frankfurt a.M.]
* [ Kurzbiographie]

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