Capsella bursa-pastoris

Capsella bursa-pastoris

name = Shepherd's Purse

image_caption = "Capsella bursa-pastoris" plants
with flowers and fruits
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Brassicales
familia = Brassicaceae
genus = "Capsella"
species = "C. bursa-pastoris"
binomial = "Capsella bursa-pastoris"
binomial_authority = (L.) Medik.|

"Capsella bursa-pastoris", known by its common name shepherd's-purse because of its triangular, purse-like pods, is a small (up to 0.5m) annual and ruderal species, and a member of the Brassicaceae or mustard family. It is native to eastern Europe and Asia minorAksoy A, Dixon JM and Hale WH (1998) Biological flora of the British Isles. "Capsella bursa-pastoris" (L.) Medikus ("Thlaspi bursapastoris" L., "Bursa bursa-pastoris" (L.) Shull, "Bursa pastoris" (L.) Weber). Journal of Ecology 86: 171-186] but is naturalized and considered a common weed in many parts of the world, especially in colder climates,cite web | url = | work = Flora of Pakistan | title = Capsella bursa-pastoris] including Britain, where it is regarded as an archaeophyte,Preston CD, Pearman DA & Dines TD (2002) New Atlas of the British Flora. Oxford University Press] Preston CD, Pearman DA & Hall AR(2004) Archaeophytes in Britain. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 145, 257-294] North America [ [ USDA PLANTS Profile: Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik] ] cite book | author=Blanchan, Neltje | title=Wild Flowers Worth Knowing | year=2005 | publisher=Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation ] and Chinacite web | url = | work = Flora of China | title = Capsella bursa-pastoris ] but also in the Mediterranean and North Africa. "Capsella bursa-pastoris" is closely related to the model organism "Arabidopsis thaliana" and is also used as a model organism due to the variety of genes expressed throughout its life cycle that can be compared to genes that are well studied in "A. thaliana". Unlike most flowering plants, it flowers almost all year round. Like many other annual ruderals exploiting disturbed ground, "C. bursa-pastoris" reproduces entirely from seed, has a long soil seed bank, and short generation time and is capable of producing several generations each year.


Like a number of other plants in several plant families, its seeds contain a substance known as mucilage, a condition known as myxospermy.cite journal | journal = Plant Physiology | date = February 2000 | volume = 122 | pages = 345–355 | title = Differentiation of Mucilage Secretory Cells of the Arabidopsis Seed Coat | author = Tamara L. Western, Debra J. Skinner, and George W. Haughn | pmc = 58872 | doi = 10.1104/pp.122.2.345 | pmid = 10677428] The adaptive value of myxospermy is unknown, although the fact that mucilage becomes sticky when wet has led some to propose that "C. bursa-pastoris" traps insects which then provide nutrients to the seedling, which would make it protocarnivorous. [cite journal | author = Barber, J.T. | year = 1978 | title = "Capsella bursa-pastoris" seeds: Are they "carnivorous"? | url = | journal = Carnivorous Plant Newsletter | volume = 7 | issue = 2 | pages = 39–42 ]


"C. bursa-pastoris" is gathered from the wild or growncite web | url = | title = Capsella bursa-pastoris - (L.)Medik. | work = Plants For A Future database report ] for food to supplement animal feed, for cosmetics, and for medicinal purposes.cite web | title = Capsella bursa-pastoris (Ecocrop code 4164) | url = | work = [ ecocrop] | publisher = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ]


* White rust "Albugo candida"


ee also

* List of beneficial weeds
* List of companion plants

External links

* [ Plants for a Future: Capsella bursa-pastoris]
* [ Mrs. M. Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Shepherd's Purse]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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