Kahemba Airport

Kahemba Airport

"Kahemba Airport" is located in the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo near the border with Angola.

Kahemba is registered ECCAIRS code 223075 [ [http://www.icao.int/anb/aig/Taxonomy/R4CDLocationIndicatorsbystate.pdf "Location Indicators by State, ECCAIRS 4.2.6: Data Definition Standard"] ]

Accidents and incidents

Kahemba was the destination planned for the 1996 Air Africa crash that killed hundreds at N'Dolo Airport, Kinshasa. The flight was reported to have been involved in the transport of arms. [ [http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/sas/publications/year_b_pdf/2001/2001SASCh3_full_en.pdf "Small Arms Survey 2001: Profiling the Problem", Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, chapter 3, page 118] ]


ee also

* [http://www.airportfact.com/c7914--FZCF-kahemba.html Airport facts for Kahemba]
* [http://www.flightstats.com/go/Airport/airportDetails.do?airportCode=FZCF Flight stats for Kahemba]

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