1960s in sociology

1960s in sociology

The following events related to sociology occurred in the 1960s.


*Raymond Aron's "Main Currents in Sociological Thought" is published.
*Simone De Beauvoir's "The Prime of Life" is published.
*Daniel Bell's "The End of Ideology" is published.
*Friedrich Hayek's "The Constitution of Liberty" is published.
*R.D. Laing's "The Divided Self" is published.
*C. Wright Mills's "" and "Images of man" is published.
*Jean-Paul Sartre's "Critique of Dialiectical Reason" is published.
*Joan Woodward's "The Saleswoman" is published.
*Michael Young's and Peter Willmott's "Family and class in a London suburb" is published.
*Howard S. Becker serves as president of the ASA.


*October 5: Alfred L. Kroeber


*James S. Coleman's "The Adolescent Society" is published.
*Maurice Duverger's "Method Of The Social Sciences" is published.
*Michel Foucault's "Madness and Civilisation" is published.
*Georges Friedmann's "The Anatomy of Work" is published.
*Morris Ginsberg's "Essays in Sociology and Social Philosophy" is published.
*Erving Goffman's "Asylums" is published.
*George C. Homans' "" is published.
*R.D. Laing's "The Self and Others" is published.
*Oscar Lewis's "The Children of Sanchez" is published.
*Robert E.L. Faris serves as president of the ASA.


*Oliver Cox's "Capitalism and American Leadership" is published.
*George Homans' "Sentiments and Activities" is published.
*Roman Jakobson's "Selected Writings" is published.
*Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is published.
*Edmund Leach's "Rethinking Anthropology" is published.
*C. Wright Mills' "The Marxists" is published.
*Arnold M Rose's "Human Behaviour and Social Processes" is published.
*Richard Titmuss' "Income Distribution and Social change" is published.
*Paul Lazarsfeld serves as president of the American Sociological Association.


*March 20: C. Wright Mills


*Howard Saul Becker's "Outsiders" is published.
*Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt's "Political systems of empires" is published.
*Michel Foucault's "The Birth of the Clinic" is published.
*Erving Goffman's "Stigma" is published.
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall's "Class, Citizenship and Social Development" is published.
*C. Wright Mills 's "Power, Politics and People" is puplished.
*Karl Popper's "Conjectures and Refutations" is published.
*William Lloyd Warner's "Yankee City series" is published.


*Oliver Cox's "Capitalism as a system" is published.
*Georges Friedmann's "" is published.
*Ernest Gellner's "Thought and Change" is published.
*Alvin Ward Gouldner's "Anti-Minataur; The Myth of Value-free Sociology" is published.
*R.D. Laing's "Sanity, Madness and the Family" is published.
*Herbert Marcuse's "One-Dimensional Man" is published.
*C. Wright Mills's "Sociology and Pragmatism" is puplished.
*William Fielding Ogburn's "On Cultural and Social Change" is published.
*Louis Wirth's "On Cities and Social Life" is published.


*Louis Althusser's "For Marx" is published.
*Louis Althusser's "Reading Capital" is published.
*Ralf Dahrendorf's "Society and Democracy in Germany" is published.
*Morris Ginsberg's "On Justice In Society" is published.
*Ian Hacking's "The Logic of Statistical Inference" is published.
*Herbert Marcuse's "Repressive Tolerance" is published.
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall's "Social Policy in the Twentieth Century" is published.
*Daniel Patrick Moynihan's "Moynihan Report" is published.
*Otto Stammer's "Political Sociology and Democratic Society" is published.
*Joan Woodward's "" is published.
*Florian Znaniecki's "Social Relations and Social Roles" is published.
*Pitirim A. Sorokin serves as president of the ASA.
*Founding of the Economic and Social Research Council


*Nildo Viana


*March 13: Corrado Gini


*Theodor Adorno's "The Negative Dialect" is published.
*Theodor Adorno's "Salmagundi" is published.
*Robert Adrey's "The Central Imperative" is published.
*Raymond Aron's "" is published.
*Peter Berger's and Thomas Luckmann's "The Social Construction of Reality" is published.
*James S. Coleman's "Equality of Educational Opportunity" is published.
*Maurice Duverger's "Political Sociology" is published.
*Michel Foucault's "The Order of Things" is published.
*Jacques Lacan's "Ecrits" is published.
*R.D. Laing's "" is published.
*Oscar Lewis' "La Vida" is published.
*Barrington Moore Jr.'s "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy" is published.
*Talcott Parsons' "" is published.
*Karl Popper's "Of Clouds and Clocks" is published.
*Bryan Wilson's "Religion in a Secular Society" is published.
*Wilbert E. Moore serves as president of the ASA.


*April 14: George A. Lundberg
*October 6: Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders
*December 27: Ernest Burgess


*Peter Berger's "The Sacred Canopy" is published.
*Peter Michael Blau's and Otis Dudley Duncan's "The American Occupational Structure" is published.
*Andre Gunder Frank's "Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America" is published.
*Harold Garfinkel's "Studies in Ethnomethodology" is published.
*Max Horkheimer's "Critique of Instrumental Reason" is published.
*R.D. Laing's "The Politics of Experience" is published.
*Nicos Panayiotou Mouzelis's "" is published.
*John Rex's and Moore, R. S.'s "" is published.
*Victor Turner's "The Forest of Symbols" is published.
* The National Deviance Conference holds its first meeting at the University of York.


*Raymond Aron's "The Elusive Revolution" is published.
*Jurgen Habermas' "Knowledge and Human Interests" is published.
*Viola Klein's and Alva Myrdal's "" is published.
*Geoffry Duncan Mitchell's "A Hundred Years of Sociology" is published.
*Gunnar Myrdal's "" is published.
*Frank Parkin's "" is published.
*Nicos Poulantzas' "Political Power and Social Classes" is published.
*Cyril Smith's "" is published.
*The destruction of the 'Prague Spring' and the failure of the '68 revolutions results in the beginning of the end of traditional Marxism as a sociological paradigm.


*Louis Althusser's "Lenin and Philosophy" is published.
*Herbert Blumer's "Symbolic Interactionism" is published.
*Andre Gunder Frank's "" is published.
*Andre Gunder Frank's "Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of Sociology" is published.
*Ernest Gellner's "Saints of the Atlas" is published.
*Edmund Leach's "Genesis as Myth and Other Essays" is published.
*David Matza's "Causes of Delinquency is published.
*Ralph Miliband's "The State in Capitalist Society" is published.
*Dorothy Swaine Thomas' "The Salvage" is published.
*Victor Turner's "The Ritual Process" is published.

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