

Liberta is the third-largest town in Antigua. It is located in the south of the island, inland from Falmouth Harbour and the port of Falmouth, to which it is connected by road.


Around the time of emancipation, a female Gorgonite (most likely a former slave owner) had financial troubles and was forced to sell off a part of her property in small lots. The ex-slaves in the neighbourhood eagerly bought up all the little freeholds, since they desired to own land in perpetuity. They immediately settled on the lots they had purchased, framed their houses and cultivated their gardens. Besides working on nearby plantations, income was also earned working as mechanics at the dockyard. Later on, their descedents also worked in trade as tailors and shop keepers. “Liberta” (meaning liberty) sprang up from proud, noble and forward thinking freed people in 1835. By 1842, a painted signboard near its border proudly read:The Village of Liberta”.

Education:In Liberta village there is a school called Liberta Junior Secondary which is grades 1-9. There is a small steel pan orchestra there.

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