Electoral results for the Division of Farrer

Electoral results for the Division of Farrer

This is a list of electoral results for the Division of Farrer in Australian federal elections from the electorate's creation in 1949 until the present.


Election results

Elections in the 2000s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2007: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sussan Ley
party = Liberal
votes = 49,794
percentage = 57.73
change = +5.90

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Ryan
party = Labor
votes = 28,238
percentage = 32.74
change = +6.30

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Darran Stonehouse
party = Greens
votes = 4,169
percentage = 4.83
change = +1.28

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Rhonda Lever
party = Family First
votes = 2,657
percentage = 3.08
change = +1.59

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Douglas McGregor Henderson
party = Conservatives for Climate and Environment
votes = 1,088
percentage = 1.26
change = +1.26

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Pat Mathers
party = CEC
votes = 313
percentage = 0.36
change = -0.15

Election box formal
votes = 86,259
percentage = 96.18
change = +2.38

Election box informal
votes = 3,427
percentage = 3.82
change = -2.38

Election box turnout
votes = 89,686
percentage = 95.49
change = -0.52

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Sussan Ley
votes = 52,766
percentage = 61.17
change = -5.46

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Chris Ryan
votes = 33,493
percentage = 38.83
change = +5.46

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -5.46

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2004: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sussan Ley
party = Liberal
votes = 48,304
percentage = 63.48
change = +25.82

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nico Mathews
party = Labor
votes = 17,354
percentage = 22.81
change = +1.85

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bruce Rowston
party = Greens
votes = 2,732
percentage = 3.59
change = +0.17

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Burbidge
party = Independent
votes = 1,956
percentage = 2.57
change = +2.57

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ray Jones
party = One Nation
votes = 1,618
percentage = 2.13
change = -4.22

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jennifer Weller
party = Family First
votes = 1,395
percentage = 1.83
change = +1.83

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ian Paul Burn
party = Christian Democrats
votes = 1,275
percentage = 1.68
change = +1.68

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Matt Morgan
party = Independent
votes = 682
percentage = 0.90
change = +0.90

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Frank Kovacs
party = Democrats
votes = 463
percentage = 0.61
change = -1.98

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Lahy
party = CEC
votes = 318
percentage = 0.42
change = +0.42

Election box formal
votes = 76,097
percentage = 93.30
change = -0.31

Election box informal
votes = 5,464
percentage = 6.70
change = +0.31

Election box turnout
votes = 81,561
percentage = 95.16
change = -0.42

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Sussan Ley
votes = 53,129
percentage = 69.82
change = +3.45

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Nico Mathews
votes = 22,968
percentage = 30.18
change = -3.45

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +3.45

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2001: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sussan Ley
party = Liberal
votes = 28,449
percentage = 37.66
change = +33.30

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bill Bott
party = Nationals
votes = 17,641
percentage = 23.36
change = -24.73

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Frank Millen
party = Labor
votes = 15,830
percentage = 20.96
change = -3.79

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Max Wilkinson
party = One Nation
votes = 4,795
percentage = 6.35
change = -7.61

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Sobey
party = Greens
votes = 2,583
percentage = 3.42
change = +3.23

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Brett Paterson
party = Democrats
votes = 1,959
percentage = 2.59
change = -1.42

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sue Taylor
party = Independent
votes = 1,254
percentage = 1.66
change = +1.66

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Stuart Watson
party = Independent
votes = 1,068
percentage = 1.41
change = +1.41

Election box candidate
candidate = Keith Kreutzberger
party =
votes = 696
percentage = 0.92
change = +0.92

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tom Weyrich
party = Independent
votes = 485
percentage = 0.64
change = +0.64

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Andrew Gibson
party = Independent
votes = 416
percentage = 0.55
change = +0.55

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Corbett
party = Independent
votes = 356
percentage = 0.47
change = +0.47

Election box formal
votes = 75,532
percentage = 93.61
change = -2.37

Election box informal
votes = 5,156
percentage = 6.39
change = +2.37

Election box turnout
votes = 80,688
percentage = 96.04
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Sussan Ley
votes = 37,869
percentage = 50.14
change = +50.14

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Bill Bott
votes = 37,663
percentage = 49.86
change = +49.86

Election box gain AU party
winner = Liberal
loser = Nationals
swing = +50.14

Elections in the 1990s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1998: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 36,602
percentage = 52.87
change = -13.46

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Vivien Voss
party = Labor
votes = 16,489
percentage = 23.82
change = -0.85

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Don McKinnon
party = One Nation
votes = 9,664
percentage = 13.96
change = +13.96

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Rohan Sharp
party = Democrats
votes = 2,940
percentage = 4.25
change = -0.03

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Amanda Duncan-Strelec
party = Independent
votes = 2,234
percentage = 3.23
change = +3.23

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Cliff Broderick
party = Australia First
votes = 728
percentage = 1.05
change = +1.05

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Alan Boyd
party = CEC
votes = 329
percentage = 0.48
change = +0.48

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maurice Furlan
party = No GST
votes = 240
percentage = 0.35
change = +0.35

Election box formal
votes = 69,226
percentage = 96.07
change = -0.51

Election box informal
votes = 2,830
percentage = 3.93
change = +0.51

Election box turnout
votes = 72,056
percentage = 95.91
change = -0.11

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Tim Fischer
votes = 44,733
percentage = 64.62
change = -6.61

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Vivien Voss
votes = 24,493
percentage = 35.38
change = +6.61

Election box hold AU party
winner = Nationals
swing = -6.61

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1996: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 47,231
percentage = 66.34
change = +0.90

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lynda Summers
party = Labor
votes = 17,563
percentage = 24.67
change = -5.06

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John R Clancy
party = Democrats
votes = 3,043
percentage = 4.27
change = -0.56

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Clarence Whitfield
party = Independent
votes = 1,337
percentage = 1.88
change = +1.88

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Everingham
party = Call to Australia
votes = 1,047
percentage = 1.47
change = +1.47

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Luke Stephen Downing
party = Independent
votes = 979
percentage = 1.38
change = +1.38

Election box formal
votes = 71,200
percentage = 96.59
change = -0.63

Election box informal
votes = 2,517
percentage = 3.41
change = +0.63

Election box turnout
votes = 73,717
percentage = 96.02
change = -0.19

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Tim Fischer
votes = 50,611
percentage = 71.23
change = +3.80

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lynda Summers
votes = 20,439
percentage = 28.77
change = -3.80

Election box hold AU party
winner = Nationals
swing = +3.80

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1993: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 45,447
percentage = 65.4
change = -2.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ian McKenzie
party = Labor
votes = 20,648
percentage = 29.7
change = -2.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bill Higgins
party = Democrats
votes = 3,354
percentage = 4.8
change = +4.8

Election box formal
votes = 69,449
percentage = 97.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,987
percentage = 2.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 71,436
percentage = 96.2
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Tim Fischer
votes = 46,829
percentage = 67.4
change = -0.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Ian McKenzie
votes = 22,615
percentage = 32.6
change = +0.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Nationals
swing = -0.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1990: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 46,091
percentage = 67.8
change = +9.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bill Higgins
party = Labor
votes = 21,898
percentage = 32.2
change = -0.4

Election box formal
votes = 67,989
percentage = 97.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,697
percentage = 2.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 69,686
percentage = 95.6
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Nationals
swing = +2.6

Elections in the 1980s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1987: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 37,753
percentage = 58.2
change = +14.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Barry Marks
party = Labor
votes = 21,129
percentage = 32.6
change = -3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ray Brooks
party = Independent
votes = 5,977
percentage = 9.2
change = +9.2

Election box formal
votes = 64,859
percentage = 96.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,536
percentage = 3.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 67,395
percentage = 93.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Tim Fischer
votes = 42,302
percentage = 65.2
change = +2.2

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Barry Marks
votes = 22,555
percentage = 34.8
change = -2.2

Election box hold AU party
winner = Nationals
swing = +2.2

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1984: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Fischer
party = Nationals
votes = 26,986
percentage = 43.4
change = +26.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Eric Thomas
party = Labor
votes = 22,238
percentage = 35.8
change = -5.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Roach
party = Liberal
votes = 12,915
percentage = 20.8
change = -20.6

Election box formal
votes = 62,139
percentage = 95.9
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,638
percentage = 4.1
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 64,777
percentage = 94.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Nationals
candidate = Tim Fischer
votes = 38,166
percentage = 63.0
change = +63.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Eric Thomas
votes = 23,020
percentage = 37.0
change = -5.6

Election box gain AU party
winner = Nationals
loser = Liberal
swing = +63.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1983: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Wal Fife
party = Liberal
votes = 40,060
percentage = 57.4
change = -1.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Noel Diffey
party = Labor
votes = 27,168
percentage = 38.9
change = +5.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Scott Milne
party = Democrats
votes = 1,872
percentage = 2.7
change = -4.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maureen Nathan
party = Independent
votes = 740
percentage = 1.1
change = -0.1

Election box formal
votes = 69,840
percentage = 98.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 970
percentage = 1.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 70,810
percentage = 95.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Wal Fife
votes =
percentage = 59.5
change = -2.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Noel Diffey
votes =
percentage = 40.5
change = +2.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -2.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1980: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Wal Fife
party = Liberal
votes = 39,670
percentage = 58.4
change = -3.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lloyd Elliott
party = Labor
votes = 22,856
percentage = 33.6
change = +3.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Rodney Dominish
party = Democrats
votes = 4,613
percentage = 6.8
change = +0.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maureen Nathan
party = Independent
votes = 808
percentage = 1.2
change = +0.2

Election box formal
votes = 67,947
percentage = 98.4
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,100
percentage = 1.6
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 69,047
percentage = 95.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Wal Fife
votes =
percentage = 61.8
change = -4.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lloyd Elliott
votes =
percentage = 38.2
change = +4.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -4.6

Elections in the 1970s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1977: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Wal Fife
party = Liberal
votes = 40,187
percentage = 61.9
change = +11.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Donald Fleming
party = Labor
votes = 19,400
percentage = 29.9
change = +0.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Margaret Healey
party = Democrats
votes = 3,962
percentage = 6.1
change = +6.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas Guy
party = Independent
votes = 718
percentage = 1.1
change = +1.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maureen Nathan
party = Independent
votes = 643
percentage = 1.0
change = +1.0

Election box formal
votes = 64,910
percentage = 98.1
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,230
percentage = 1.9
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 66,140
percentage = 94.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Wal Fife
votes =
percentage = 66.4
change = -0.7

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Donald Fleming
votes =
percentage = 33.6
change = +0.7

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -0.7

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1975: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Wal Fife
party = Liberal
votes = 29,570
percentage = 49.4
change = -6.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Patrick Brassil
party = Labor
votes = 18,100
percentage = 30.4
change = -9.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kevin Bowtell
party = National Country
votes = 10,403
percentage = 17.5
change = +17.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anthony Quinn
party = DLP
votes = 519
percentage = 0.9
change = +0.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Arthur Robinson
party = Independent
votes = 514
percentage = 0.9
change = +0.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Michael Donelan
party = Australia
votes = 413
percentage = 0.7
change = -3.6

Election box formal
votes = 59,519
percentage = 98.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 867
percentage = 1.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 60,386
percentage = 95.8
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Wal Fife
votes =
percentage = 66.4
change = +9.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Patrick Brassil
votes =
percentage = 33.6
change = -9.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +9.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1974: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 32,125
percentage = 55.8
change = +7.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kevin Esler
party = Labor
votes = 22,926
percentage = 39.9
change = +1.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Benton
party = Australia
votes = 2,477
percentage = 4.3
change = -2.4

Election box formal
votes = 57,528
percentage = 98.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 795
percentage = 1.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 58,323
percentage = 95.7
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 57.1
change = +1.1

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Kevin Esler
votes =
percentage = 42.9
change = -1.1

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +1.1

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1972: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 24,096
percentage = 47.9
change = -7.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kevin Esler
party = Labor
votes = 19,276
percentage = 38.3
change = +6.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anthony Quinn
party = DLP
votes = 3,531
percentage = 7.0
change = -0.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Michael Donelan
party = Australia
votes = 3,394
percentage = 6.7
change = +6.7

Election box formal
votes = 50,297
percentage = 98.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 653
percentage = 1.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 50,950
percentage = 95.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes = 28,145
percentage = 56.0
change = -7.5

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Kevin Esler
votes = 22,152
percentage = 44.0
change = +7.5

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -7.5

Elections in the 1960s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1969: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 26,058
percentage = 54.9
change = -11.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Noel Murray
party = Labor
votes = 15,324
percentage = 32.3
change = +8.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = James Keogh
party = DLP
votes = 3,507
percentage = 7.4
change = -2.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Ross
party = Independent
votes = 2,574
percentage = 5.4
change = +5.4

Election box formal
votes = 47,463
percentage = 98.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 625
percentage = 1.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 48,088
percentage = 95.8
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 63.5
change = -11.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Noel Murray
votes =
percentage = 36.5
change = +11.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -11.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1966: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 28,700
percentage = 66.6
change = +7.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Alan Thomson
party = Labor
votes = 10,151
percentage = 23.5
change = -8.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = James Keogh
party = DLP
votes = 4,271
percentage = 9.9
change = +0.6

Election box formal
votes = 43,122
percentage = 98.1
change =

Election box informal
votes = 830
percentage = 1.9
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 43,952
percentage = 96.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 75.5
change = +9.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Alan Thomson
votes =
percentage = 24.5
change = -9.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +9.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1963: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 24,744
percentage = 58.9
change = +3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Herbert McPherson
party = Labor
votes = 13,341
percentage = 31.8
change = -2.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lawrence Esler
party = DLP
votes = 3,901
percentage = 9.3
change = -1.0

Election box formal
votes = 41,986
percentage = 99.1
change =

Election box informal
votes = 384
percentage = 0.9
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 42,370
percentage = 96.4
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 66.5
change = +2.4

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Herbert McPherson
votes =
percentage = 33.5
change = -2.4

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +2.4

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1961: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 22,707
percentage = 55.7
change = -2.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Herbert McPherson
party = Labor
votes = 13,899
percentage = 34.1
change = +3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Brennan
party = DLP
votes = 4,195
percentage = 10.3
change = -0.7

Election box formal
votes = 40,801
percentage = 98.4
change =

Election box informal
votes = 678
percentage = 1.6
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 41,479
percentage = 96.2
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 64.1
change = -3.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Herbert McPherson
votes =
percentage = 35.9
change = +3.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -3.0

Elections in the 1950s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1958: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 23,395
percentage = 58.1
change = -7.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Garland
party = Labor
votes = 12,441
percentage = 30.9
change = -3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Brennan
party = DLP
votes = 4,412
percentage = 11.0
change = +11.0

Election box formal
votes = 40,248
percentage = 97.9
change =

Election box informal
votes = 850
percentage = 2.1
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 41,098
percentage = 95.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes =
percentage = 67.1
change = +1.2

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Robert Garland
votes =
percentage = 32.9
change = -1.2

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +1.2

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1955: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 25,805
percentage = 65.9
change = +8.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Garland
party = Labor
votes = 13,361
percentage = 34.1
change = -8.8

Election box formal
votes = 39,166
percentage = 97.9
change =

Election box informal
votes = 855
percentage = 2.1
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 40,021
percentage = 95.6
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +8.8

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1954: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 22,668
percentage = 57.1
change = +0.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Byrnes
party = Labor
votes = 17,005
percentage = 42.9
change = -0.7

Election box formal
votes = 39,673
percentage = 99.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 339
percentage = 0.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 40,012
percentage = 96.8
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +0.7

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1951: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 21,678
percentage = 56.4
change = +18.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Byrnes
party = Labor
votes = 26,744
percentage = 43.6
change = +4.3

Election box formal
votes = 38,422
percentage = 98.5
change =

Election box informal
votes = 570
percentage = 1.5
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 38,992
percentage = 96.5
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -2.4

Elections in the 1940s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1949: Farrer
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = David Fairbairn
party = Liberal
votes = 14,425
percentage = 38.2
change = +20.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas McGrath
party = Labor
votes = 14,853
percentage = 39.3
change = -7.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Mackay
party = Country
votes = 8,099
percentage = 21.4
change = -14.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Gollan
party = Communist
votes = 419
percentage = 1.1
change = +1.1

Election box formal
votes = 37,796
percentage = 98.3
change =

Election box informal
votes = 665
percentage = 1.7
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 38,461
percentage = 97.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = David Fairbairn
votes = 22,222
percentage = 58.8
change = +58.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Thomas McGrath
votes = 15,574
percentage = 41.2
change = -7.2

Election box gain AU party
winner = Liberal
loser = Country
swing = +58.8


* Australian Electoral Commission. [http://www.aec.gov.au Federal election results]
* Carr, Adam. [http://psephos.adam-carr.net Psephos]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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