Chute dogging

Chute dogging

Chute dogging is a rodeo event related to steer wrestling where the steer used weighs between 400 and 500 lbs. However, the competitor starts the event in a chute with the steer as opposed to on horseback. The event is designed to give novices a chance to compete in a rough stock event.

When the chute opens, the competitor must bring the steer to a line ten feet from the chute and wrestle (or "dog") the steer to the ground. In order to count as a legal fall, all four feet of the steer must face the same direction as its nose when the steer is on the ground. Other falls are called "dog falls," and the competitor must either try to turn the animal's head to match its feet, or let the steer get up and start over. The competitor can be disqualified for losing contact with the steer or tripping the steer.

It is a timed event, with the time starting at the moment the chute gate is opened. The steer must be wrestled within 60 seconds.


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