Michael Elmore-Meegan

Michael Elmore-Meegan

Michael Elmore-Meegan, also known as Michael Meegan,[1] (born 26 March 1959) is the co-founder of the International Community for Relief Of Starvation and Suffering (ICROSS),[2] an aid agency operating in East Africa that describes itself as "a small international organisation working to fight poverty and disease in the poorest parts of the world."[3] Meegan also co-founded an Irish branch of the charity known as Icross Ltd, which broke with Meegan in 2010.[4] The website of ICROSS Kenya currently lists "Dr. Michael Elmore Meegan - Founder and International Director ICROSS."[5]


Early life

Born in Liverpool to Irish and French parents, Thomas Michael Kevin Elmore-Meegan spent his childhood in Freshfield Lancs and Rishworth, Yorkshire. Educated in Vaughan House and Bishops Court Prep School, Heathfield, Yorkshire. He was Baptised by John Heenan, the future Cardinal Archbishop Heenan. He began sculpting at an early age. In 1977 he entered the Catholic society of White Fathers - The Missionnaries of Africa Pères Blanc - hoping to become a Missionary in Africa. Due to a serious burn injury he left the White Fathers and after completing a degree in Philosophy from the Holy See he entered noviciate in the Society of Jesus. In 1979 Meegan left to persue his passion for Africa and founded the Community for the Relief of Starvation and Suffering which, by 1984, was renamed the International Community for Relief of Starvation and Suffering.

He spoke French and Latin at the age of ten.[6] In 1977,[7] he completed his seconday school studies at Dublin's Terenure College, run by the Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.[8] He moved to Kenya where he settled in the Great Rift Valley and began to perform aid work among the local people.,[9] Changing the World.


Aged twenty, he went to Kenya where he began to work among the Masai people to address village devastated by diseases such as malaria and tuberculous. He established ICROSS in Ireland with Dr Joe Barnes MD, a Papal Knight and the pioneer of Tropical Medicine in Ireland. In Kenya ICROSS evolved with the help of the Irish Holy Ghost Fathers and personal friends, Meegan created one of the largest networks of primary health services among pastoral nomads in East Africa. By 1986 with the support of the Director of Medical services, Dr Wilfred Koinange, ICROSS had established community health programmes in 6 locations across four districts in Kenya.

A friend of Wilfred Thesiger, he worked closely with traditional Samburu. He spent over twenty years collecting ethnographic and ethnomedical data, recording language and tribal artifacts and writing about cultural belief systems. In the mid 1980s he adopted two Kenyans; Lemoite Lemako and Saruni OleKoitee OleLengeny, later to become assistant CEO of ICROSS Kenya. His work extended into reproductive health and eventually AIDS.[10][11] Under Meegan's leadership, ICROSS worked with a number of other organizations on a Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland led project, to develop a Solar water disinfection system that could be used by village households.[12] He pioneered the concept of community ownership in community health services, campaigning for long term public health policies, planning in local languages and working through local cultures. His close friends include Wilfred Thesiger and Profeeor David Morley. His supporters have ranged from Sean McBride, Son of Maude Gonne to Fr John Powell SJ. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland, and the East African Association of Anthropology; Senior Research fellow at the Centre of Culture and Development Baroda, Gujarat, and a Lions Melvin Jones Fellow. In 2008 he received an International Humanitarian award - the "International Angelo della Pace" at the "Premio internazionale Exposcuola per l'impegno civile Italy" from the Rachel Foundation Italy

In the early 2000s, Michael Meegan became a prominent figure in Ireland whose fundraising activities for ICROSS attracted the public support of former Irish Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald and entertainment celebrities such as Elton John, Chris de Burgh, Caroline Corr, and Andrea Corr.[13] His writing and charitable activity brought him Ireland's well-regarded 2003 International Person of the Year Award presented in a nationally televised ceremony by the Irish charity Rehab.[14]

Among a number of media works on Michael Meegan, in May 2005, Ireland's state owned RTE televised a documentary about Meegan entitled When You Say 4000 Goodbyes.[15] After the broadcast, Meegan's charity ICROSS received 400,000 euros in donations.[16] On 19 November 2005, When You Say 4000 Goodbyes. was shown at Harvard University's prestigious Magners Irish Film Festival].[17] On 5 May 2006, the documentary won the Radharc Award 2006 for the "documentary programme of outstanding quality which addresses a national or international topic of social justice, morality or faith."[18] Meegan extended his model of grassroot, community owned, health care; writing and lecturing widely on public health in Africa. Meegan Published a series of books about human poverty and suffering.

On 7 April 2006, he received an honorary degree from the National University of Ireland in a ceremony at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham.[19] On 5 December 2007, Meegan spoke at RedR UK's conference entitled Future Shocks: disasters and relief in a changing world on the same platform as the charity's British president HRH The Princess Royal.[20] He continues to develop the ICROSS model of integrated holistic health care, stressing evidence based planning. His research into water borne disease and diarrhoeal disease continues to impact rural health programmes internationally. Since 2009 Meegan has campaigned for changes in how AIDs is modelled, moving from donor driven, to community driven planning of public health services.


In July 2006, it was reported that Meegan lied about his qualifications when attempting to secure a multi-million dollar grant in the United States.[21] These reports were discredited as Meegan remained head of ICROSS and legal action was taken against sources.[22]

In 2006 it was discovered that he had overstated his qualifications in an attempt to win grants, claiming he had a doctorate even though his qualification came from Knightsbridge University, an unaccredited “mail order” college. Meegan admitted he got his doctorate from Knightsbridge University,[23] which trades from a Danish post office box. John Bear, an expert on diploma mills and a former FBI consultant, stated in connection with the scandal: "Knightsbridge most emphatically is not licensed or recognised by the Danish government (or any other government on Earth), and its degrees are as useless in Denmark as they are in Ireland or anywhere else"[24] His qualifications include a Masters degree in Health from Trinity college and an Honory Doctorate in Medicine from the National University of Ireland in recognition of his contribution to International health. He is also completing a Doctorate in Global health 2012.

In April 2010, Meegan lost a case in the Irish High Court in which he sought to prevent the Irish Mail on Sunday from publishing its "investigation into a series of allegations of sexual assault. Since then three of those interviewed by the Irish Mail on Sunday (James Njenga, Elle Kihara and P NgaNga) have made statements to Kenyan police saying Barbara Jones paid them to lie. They also alleged financial impropriety and inappropriate behaviour."[25]

No legal charges have been made against those who made the allegations, James Njenga one of those cited in the high court case has since recorded statements to the Police July 2011 stating that the stories were fabricated and paid for.

Although Meegan denies all allegations made against him,[26] The Honourable Nicholas Kearns, President of the High Court of Ireland rejected Meegan's application for an injunction against publication under section 33(1) of the Defamation Act 2009.[27] After Meegan lost the case, Kenya's Sunday Nation newspaper reported: "Mr Meegan, the case documents claim, paid his workers for letting him cane them for his sexual pleasure. Affidavits shown to the High Court further alleged that Mr Meegan skimmed donor accounts to support his lifestyle and flew gay partners from around the world to visit him using the money given to Icross. No proof was ever provided and civil action has been taken.

He denied all the claims and said he was the victim of a conspiracy by Mary Anne Fitzgerald of ACE also named by Elle Kihara and James Njenga both Mail on Sunday witnesses used in the high Court case."[28]

After the revelation of the accusations concerning Meegan's education, finances, and personal behavior, he was also accused of misrepresenting himself as a priest. Civil suits are ongoing and Kenyan Police are in the process of criminal action for fraud and defamation charges against the lead witness of the Mail articles; Peter Saingaire and Paulo Learat both of whom have criminal records.

As controversy about Meegan developed, he was strongly supported by Dr. Joseph Barnes, a highly regarded former professor at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland with long year's of experience in African charity work. According to the Irish Times, "Dr Barnes (95) acknowledged Irish Aid had uncovered a “lacuna” of missing funding but said this had not been attributed to fraud. A Kenyan staff member was fired afterwards for “putting his hand in the till.”[29] Meegan continues implementing long term health programmes in Africa and legal action against those who fabricated stories continues


  • Conroy, Ronán M.; & Michael Elmore Meegan. Dwindling Donor Aid for Health Programmes in Developing Countries, The Lancet, 14 May 1994.[30]
  • Conroy, Ronán M.; Michael Elmore-Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes. Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water and Diarrhoea in Maasai Children: A Controlled Field Trial, The Lancet, 21 December 1996.[31]
  • Conroy, Ronán M.; Michael Elmore Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes. Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water Protects Against Cholera in Children Under 6 Years of Age, Archives of Disease in Childhood, October 2001.[32]
  • Conroy, Ronán M.; Michael Elmore Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes. Solar Disinfection of Water Reduces Diarrhoeal Disease: An Update, Archives of Disease in Childhood, October 1999.[33]
  • Elmore-Meegan, Michael; Ronán M. Conroy & C. Bernard Agala. Sex Workers In Kenya, Numbers Of Clients and Associated Risks: An Exploratory Survey, Reproductive Health Matters, May 2004.[34]
  • Joyce, Tina M.; Kevin G. McGuigan, Michael Elmore-Meegan, & Ronán M. Conroy. Inactivation of Fecal Bacteria in Drinking Water by Solar Heating, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, February 1996.[35]
  • Konings, E.; , R.M. Anderson, Donald Morley, T. O'Riordan, Michael Meegan. Rates of Sexual Partner Change Among Two Pastoralist Southern Nilotic Groups in East Africa, AIDS, Londond, England, April 1989.[36]
  • Mccormick, James; & Michael Elmore-Meegan. Maasai Diet, The Lancet, 24 October 1992.[37]
  • McGuigan, Kevin G.; Tina M. Joyce, Ronán M. Conroy, J.B. Gillespie, & Michael Elmore-Meegan. Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water Contained in Transparent Plastic Bottles: Characterizing the Bacterial Inactivation Process, Journal of Applied Microbiology, June 1998.[38]
  • Meegan, Michael. All Shall Be Well: On Compassion and Love, London: Fount, 13 Oct 1986.[40]
  • Meegan, Michael; Donald C. Morley, & R. Brown. Child Weighing by the Unschooled: A Report of a Controlled Study of Growth Monitoring Over 12 Months of Maasai Children Using Direct Recording Scales, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, November–December 1994.[43]
  • Meegan, Michael Elmore; Ronán M. Conroy, Sarune Ole Lengeny, Kate Renhaul, & J Nyangole. Effect On Neonatal Tetanus Mortality After A Culturally-Based Health Promotion Programme, The Lancet, 25 August 2001.[44]
  • Meegan, Michael; & David Morley. Growth Monitoring: Family Participation: Effective Community Development, Tropical Doctor, January 1999.[45]
  • Meegan, Michael; & James, McCormick. Prevention of Disease in the Poor World, The Lancet, 16 July 1988.[46]
  • Meegan, Michael. The Reality of Starvation and Disease, The Lancet, 17 January 1981.[47]
  • Meegan, Michael. Rethinking Famine Relief, The Lancet, 21 November 1992.[48]
  • Meegan, Michael. Starvation and Suffering, The Lancet, 31 December 1983.[49]
  • Meegan, Michael. Surprised by Joy: Out of the Darkness - Light, a Story of Hope in the Midst of Tragedy, Dunboyne, Ireland: Maverick House, 2 May 2006[50]
  • Meegan, Michael; & Sharon Wilinson. Take My Hand 2008.[51]
  • Meegan, Mike; David Morley, & Desmond Chavasse. Fly Traps, The Lancet, 22 March 1997.[53]


  • 2008 Premio internazionale Exposcuola 2008 per l'impegno civile[citation needed]
  • 2003 International Person of the Year, ESB/Rehab People of the Year Awards [56]
  • 1988 Past Pupil of the Year Award, Terenure College, Dublin (Note: Terenure College lists the 1988 award winners as Michael Meighan which may be a variant spelling of "Meegan.")[57]


  1. ^ "Africa '05 - Michael Meegan". BBC News (bbc.co.uk). 2005-07-12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/hardtalk/4675531.stm. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Michael Meegan runs a small charity trying to help some of Africa's poorest." 
  2. ^ Hickey, Shane (2003-11-24). "'Special' Mary is person of the year". The Irish Independent (www.independent.ie). http://www.independent.ie/national-news/special-mary-is-person-of-the-year-197479.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Other winners were: Dr Mike Meegan, co-founder of the Icross aid agency which cares for 300,000 Aids patients in east Africa." 
  3. ^ "About Us". ICROSS Kenya. www.icrossinternational.org. http://www.icrossinternational.org/about/index.asp. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "We are a small international organisation working to fight poverty and disease in the poorest parts of the world. For over 25 years we have worked with tribes in East Africa fighting disease. Health professionals work with local communities in long term development and health programmes." 
  4. ^ Cullen, Paul (2010-06-21). "Future of embattled charity to be decided at egm". The Irish Times (www.irishtimes.com). http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2010/0621/1224272951102.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "A BOARDROOM battle is looming at the controversial charity Icross for control of more than €500,000 in charity donations. Supporters of Kenyan-based Irish charity chief Dr Mike Meegan, who has denied allegations of sexual assault and financial impropriety made against him in the High Court, are seeking to gain access to the funds held by the Irish arm of the charity. They argue the money was raised on the back of publicity for his work and the proceeds of his books and should be released for use in his African projects. However, former associates who have broken with Mr Meegan over the allegations, are seeking to have the company wound up and its assets disbursed on other aid projects." 
  5. ^ "Latest News". ICROSS Kenya. www.icrossinternational.org. http://www.icrossinternational.org/default.aspx. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Dr. Michael Elmore Meegan - Founder and International Director ICROSS." 
  6. ^ "Michael Meegan". Eye Books. www.eye-books.com. http://www.eye-books.com/authorView.asp?ID_=39. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Michael Meegan was born in Liverpool and grew up in Freshfield moving to Dublin in September 1971. and now speaks nine languages." 
  7. ^ "PAST PUPILS OF THE YEAR AWARD". Terenure College Past Pupils Union. www.nure.ie. 2010. http://www.nure.ie/past_pupil_of_the_year.htm. Retrieved 2011-01-31. "1988 Michael Meegan Class of 1977" 
  8. ^ Humphreys, Joe (2005-06-21). "Making a Little go a Long Way". The Irish Times (www.irishtimes.com). http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/health/2005/0621/1118963286973.html. Retrieved 2011-01-31. "A graduate of Terenure College and Trinity College, Dublin, Meegan is the founder, head and field director of ICROSS (International Community for the Relief of Starvation and Suffering), one of the most unusual, yet many would say, effective aid agencies in Africa." 
  9. ^ He has lived most of his life among pastoral nomads with two of his adopted children; now senior officials in ICROSS in Kenya. He was supported in this work by Dr Wilfred Koinange MD, Director of Medical Services of the Kenyan Ministry of Health. Together with Fr Paul Cunningham CSSp and Dr Evan Sequeira MD Meegan established a series of community health programmes. By 1985 he had built clinics serving three pastoralist communities. Learning local tribal languages, Meegan created a unique approach to community development, insisting that any planning had to be done by the members of the local communities in the local languages, not by others. Among his priorities has been Maternal child health care www.icrossinternational.org and community ownership of health planning. He has pioneered multiple innovations in primary health www.icross-africa.net Focus includes diarrhoeal infections http://rehydrate.org/dd/dd39.htm and has a thirty year history exploring innovations to reduce the rates of water borne disease among pastoral nomadic cmmmunities. His work has been published in Journals ranging from the LANCET medical Journal to the Journal of the American Medical Association."Surprised by Joy - Michael Meegan". The Irish Immigrant. www.emigrant.ie. 2006-07-31. http://www.emigrant.ie/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=51976. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Dr Michael Meegan was born in Liverpool, grew up in Dublin and has spent most of his life in Africa. He lives in the Rift Valley of Kenya, working in one of the largest terminal care programmes in East Africa. He has written extensively on poverty and has consulted throughout the world on poverty and health care. He is the author of three other books, "All Will Be Well" and "All Shall Be Well"." 
  10. ^ Fitzpatrick, Karen (2006-05-05). "Radharc Award 2006 Presented To ‘When You Say 4,000 Goodbyes’". The Radhac Trust (www.radharc.ie/). http://www.radharc.ie/downloads/Radharc_Award2006_Press_Release_050506.pdf. Retrieved 2011-01-31. "The documentary tells the story of Dr Mike Meegan’s work in African villages devastated by Aids, malaria and TB. The aid worker, who was awarded an Irish People of the Year International Award in 2003 and was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from NUI, went to work among Kenya’s Masai people in 1979." 
  11. ^ White, Victoria (1999-09-09). "Front/row". The Irish Times (www.irishtimes.com). http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/features/1999/0923/99092300068.html. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  12. ^ "Solar Water Disinfection - A Water Treatment Process used at Household level". Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector. http://www.emwis.net/initiatives/fol060732/proj634131. 
  13. ^ Caden, Sarah (2010-03-14). "Worthy causes a risky business for stars". The Irish Independent (www.independent.ie). http://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/independent-woman/celebrity-news-gossip/worthy-causes--a-risky-business-for-stars-2098900.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Not only was Elton John a supporter of Icross, but so was Dr Garret FitzGerald at one point, and, through the Noughties, their fundraisers were attended by the well-heeled, with the likes of Chris de Burgh, Rosanna Davison, Lorraine Keane and Andrea and Caroline Corr happy to be photographed at their events. And why wouldn't they? It was a good cause -- and the people in Ireland, at least, remain unblemished -- and there is a will on the part of celebrities to put their weight, their ability to draw attention to a good cause, to good effect." 
  14. ^ "Ireland's People of the Year 2003 Announced". The Rehab Group. www.rehab.ie. 2003-11-22. http://www.rehab.ie/press/article.aspx?id=30. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Mike Meegan was named as the International Person of the Year for his work in helping large numbers of AIDS victims in East Africa." 
  15. ^ "When You Say 4000 Goodbyes". RTE Television-Factual Specials. www.rte.ie. http://www.rte.ie/tv/programmesales/whenyousay4000goodbyes.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Dubliner Mike Meegan, a doctor and scientist, has spent the past 25 years working in tribal villages in Africa where life is a daily battle against poverty, suffering and some of the most deadly diseases on earth." 
  16. ^ "Generous Response to RTÉ Documentary". RTÉ News and Current Affairs. www.rte.ie. 2005-12-05. http://www.rte.ie/about/pressreleases/05122005.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "An RTÉ television documentary 'When You Say 4,000 Goodbyes' on the work of Dubliner Dr. Mike Meegan, who has spent the past 25 years fighting poverty and disease in African villages, has resulted in over 400,000 euros being donated to his charity since the programme was transmitted." 
  17. ^ "November 18–20, 2005". Magners Irish Film Festival. The Harvard Film Archive. http://hcl.harvard.edu/hfa/films/2005fall/magners.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. ""In my 25 years in Africa I have said goodbye to more than four and a half thousand kids; I have kissed them goodbye - and I shouldn't have had to." Irish doctor and scientist Mike Meegan looks back on his career as a doctor among the tribal villages of Kenya's Massailand in this moving documentary by Jim Fahy. Exploring Meegan's battle with the ravages of AIDS, malaria and TB on the local population, 4,000 Goodbyes paints a powerful picture of the pointlessness of such deaths and of one man's attempt to do something about it." 
  18. ^ Fitzpatrick, Karen (2006-05-05). "Radharc Award 2006 Presented To ‘When You Say 4,000 Goodbyes’". The Radhac Trust (www.radharc.ie/). http://www.radharc.ie/downloads/Radharc_Award2006_Press_Release_050506.pdf. Retrieved 2011-01-31. "The Radharc Award 2006 has gone to "When You Say 4000 Goodbyes", produced by Caroline Bleahen, RTÉ and presented by RTÉ reporter Jim Fahy....The Radharc Award is presented to a documentary programme of outstanding quality which addresses a national or international topic of social justice, morality or faith. There is no requirement that the programme makers be of any specific religious adherence, but the programme itself should imply a challenge to the moral conscience of the kind that inspired many Radharc documentaries." 
  19. ^ "Perfect start for Dr Martin, the student". Irish Independent (www.independent.ie). 2006-04-08. http://www.independent.ie/national-news/perfect-start-for-dr-martin-the-student-102094.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Also honoured by the NUI were .... Dr Mike Meegan" 
  20. ^ RedR (2007-12-03). "Conference Programme" (PDF). Shocks: disasters and relief in a changing world. www.redr.org.uk. http://www.redr.org.uk/en/other/document_summary.cfm/docid/A8E341F6-7D85-42B1-B154A7F73C3D0A67. Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  21. ^ Lyons, Tom (2006-07-13). "Famed charity boss lied in bid to get US grant". The Irish Independent (www.independent.ie). http://www.independent.ie/national-news/famed-charity-boss-lied-in-bid-to-get-us-grant-87773.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "A RENOWNED charity boss famed for his work in Africa lied about his qualifications when attempting to apply for a multi million grant in the United States." 
  22. ^ Coyle, Colin; Tom Lyons (2010-03-07). "Sun goes down on Icross". The Sunday Times (www.timesonline.co.uk). http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/ireland/article7052670.ece. Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  23. ^ Cullen, Paul (2010-04-10). "Charity founder's fall from grace". The Irish Times (irishtimes.com). http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/newsfeatures/2010/0424/1224269025759.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Meegan has been accused of misrepresenting and exaggerating his qualifications, and it was only after I had met him that I learned that he wasn’t actually a medical doctor. He obtained a PhD from Knightsbridge University, an unaccredited correspondence college based in Denmark." 
  24. ^ Lyons, Tom (2006-07-13). "Famed charity boss lied in bid to get US grant". The Irish Independent (www.independent.ie). http://www.independent.ie/national-news/famed-charity-boss-lied-in-bid-to-get-us-grant-87773.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Former FBI consultant and 'degree mills' expert, Dr John Bear, said: "Knightsbridge most emphatically is not licensed or recognised by the Danish government (or any other government on Earth), and its degrees are as useless in Denmark as they are in Ireland or anywhere else." 
  25. ^ O'Farrell, Michael; Barbara Jones (2010-04-25). "Charity boss loses court fight to gag MoS over sex abuse claims". Irish Daily Mail On Sunday (www.dailymail.co.uk). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1268644/Michael-Meegan-Charity-boss-loses-court-fight-gag-MoS-sex-abuse-claims.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "The High Court has rejected a bid by Irish charity boss Michael Meegan to gag an extensive Irish Mail on Sunday investigation into a series of allegations of sexual assault, financial impropriety and inappropriate behaviour against him." 
  26. ^ "Decision on Prior Restraint under Irish Defamation Act 2009". Inforrm's Blog, The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog. inforrm.wordpress.com. 2010-04-22. http://inforrm.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/decision-on-prior-restraint-under-irish-defamation-act-2009/#more-1424. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "It has been reported that an application for prior restraint Under Ireland’s new Defamation Act 2009 has been dismissed by Justice Kearns President of the High Court. Charity boss Michael Meegan sought to to restrain publication by The Irish Mail on Sunday of allegations that he had made inappropriate sexual advances to males in Kenya. Meegan denies the allegations." 
  27. ^ "Defamation Act 2009, Section 33(1)". Oireachtas. 2009-07-23. http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2009/en/act/pub/0031/sec0036.html#sec33. Retrieved 2011-01-29. 
  28. ^ Menya, Walter (3010-04-10). "Irishman linked to sex scandal at Kenya charity". Sunday Nation (nation.co.ke). http://www.nation.co.ke/News/Irishman%20linked%20to%20sex%20scandal%20%20at%20Kenya%20charity%20%20%20/-/1056/903194/-/item/1/-/cdgdpk/-/index.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "The director of a well-intentioned charity scheme is at the centre of sexual harassment allegations by some Kenyans who accuse the Irishman of abusing them over a 20-year period. In the case filed in Ireland, Mr Michael Elmore Meegan, the director of International Community for Relief of Starvation and Suffering (Icross) Kenya on Tuesday lost a court battle to block an investigation into a series of devastating claims about his activities in Ngong, Kenya. He appeared before the High Court in Ireland in a futile attempt to gag the Irish Mail on Sunday, which had run stories on his alleged activities. Mr Meegan, the case documents claim, paid his workers for letting him cane them for his sexual pleasure. Affidavits shown to the High Court further alleged that Mr Meegan skimmed donor accounts to support his lifestyle and flew gay partners from around the world to visit him using the money given to Icross. He denied all the claims and said he was the victim of a conspiracy by Mary Anne Fitzgerald." 
  29. ^ Cullen, Paul (2010-04-26). "Ministers warned about aid worker, says ex-board member". The Irish Times (www.irishtimes.com). http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2010/0426/1224269093534.html. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Dr Joe Barnes, the respected former professor of tropical medicine in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland who founded Icross with Mr Meegan, said Mr Meegan had done “amazing work” in Africa over three decades and was currently helping to alleviate food shortages in Kenya as well as running health clinics." 
  30. ^ Conroy, Ronán M; Michael Elmore Meegan (May 1994). "Dwindling donor aid for health programmes in developing countries". The Lancet 343 (8907): 1228–9. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(94)92440-6. PMID 7909895. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(94)92440-6/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  31. ^ Conroy, Ronán M; Michael Elmore-Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes (1996-12-21). "Solar disinfection of drinking water and diarrhoea in Maasai children: a controlled field trial". The Lancet 348 (9043): 1695–7. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(96)02309-4. PMID 8973432. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(96)02309-4/abstract. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  32. ^ Conroy, Ronán M.; Michael Elmore Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes (2001-10-01). "Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age". Archives of Disease in Childhood 85 (4): 293–5. doi:10.1136/adc.85.4.293. PMC 1718943. PMID 11567937. http://adc.bmj.com/content/85/4/293.abstract. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  33. ^ Conroy, Ronán M; Michael Elmore Meegan, Tina M. Joyce, Kevin G. McGuigan & Joseph Barnes (1999-10-01). "Solar disinfection of water reduces diarrhoeal disease: an update". Archives of Disease in Childhood 81 (4): 337–8. doi:10.1136/adc.81.4.337. PMC 1718112. PMID 10490440. http://adc.bmj.com/content/81/4/337.abstract. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  34. ^ Elmore-Meegan, Michael; Ronán M Conroy, C.Bernard Agala (2004-05-01). "Sex workers in Kenya, numbers of clients and associated risks: an exploratory survey.". Reproductive Health Matters 12 (23): 50–7. doi:10.1016/S0968-8080(04)23125-1. PMID 15242210. http://www.rhm-elsevier.com/article/S0968-8080(04)23125-1/abstract. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  35. ^ Joyce, Tina M.; Kevin G. McGuigan, Michael Elmore-Meegan, & Ronán M. Conroy (1996-02-01). "Inactivation of fecal bacteria in drinking water by solar heating" (PDF). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62 (2): 399–402. PMC 167810. PMID 8593045. http://aem.asm.org/cgi/reprint/62/2/399. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  36. ^ Konings, E; R.M. Anderson, Donald Morley, T. O'Riordan, Michael Meegan (1989-04-01). "Rates of sexual partner change among two pastoralist southern Nilotic groups in east Africa". AIDS, London, England 3 (4): 245–7. PMID 2500961. 
  37. ^ McCormick, James; Michael Elmore-Meegan (1992-10-24). "Maasai diet". The Lancet 340 (8826): 1042–3. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(92)93060-Z. PMID 1357434. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PII0140-6736(92)93060-Z/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  38. ^ McGuigan, Kevin G; Tina M. Joyce, Ronán M. Conroy, J.B. Gillespie, & Michael Elmore-Meegan. "Solar disinfection of drinking water contained in transparent plastic bottles: characterizing the bacterial inactivation process". Journal of Applied Microbiology 84 (6): 1138–48. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2672.1998.00455.x. PMID 9717300. 
  39. ^ Meegan, Michael; Scrima, Manuel (Photographer) (2011-03-01 (anticipated)). 100 Ways to Change the World. London: Eye Books. ISBN 978-1903070451. http://www.ipgbook.com/showbook.cfm?bookid=1903070457&userid=841283BD-3048-6445-438706ACABAC9B88. Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  40. ^ Meegan, Michael (1986-10-13). All Shall Be Well: On Compassion and Love. London: Fount. ISBN 978-0006270065. 
  41. ^ Meegan, Michael (2004-05-15). All Will Be Well. London: Eye Books. ISBN 978-1903070277. http://www.eye-books.com/Booklist?Book=1903070279. Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  42. ^ Meegan, Michael (2007-11-30). Changing the World from the Inside Out: Connecting Your Intellegences. London: Eye Books. ISBN 978-1903070444. http://www.eye-books.com/index_imprints.asp. Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  43. ^ Meegan, Michael; Donald C. Morley, R Brown (1994-11-01). "Child weighing by the unschooled: a report of a controlled study of growth monitoring over 12 months of Maasai children using direct recording scales". Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 88 (6): 635–7. PMID 7886753. 
  44. ^ Meegan, Michael Elmore; Ronán M. Conroy, Sarune Ole Lengeny, Kate Renhaul, J Nyangole (2001-08-25). "Effect on neonatal tetanus mortality after a culturally-based health promotion programme". The Lancet 358 (9282): 640–1. doi::10.1016/S0140-6736(01)05787-7. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(01)05787-7/abstract. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  45. ^ Meegan, Michael; David Morley (1999-01-01). "Growth monitoring: family participation: effective community development". Tropical Doctor 29 (1): 23–7. PMID 10418276. 
  46. ^ Meegan, Michael; James McCormick (1988-07-16). "Prevention of disease in the poor world". The Lancet 332 (8603): 152–3. PMID 2899199. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(88)90696-4/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  47. ^ Meegan, Michael (1981-01-17). "The reality of starvation and disease". The Lancet 317 (8212): 146. PMID 6109812. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(81)90722-4/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  48. ^ Meegan, Michael (1992-11-21). "Rethinking famine relief". The Lancet 340 (8830): 1293–4. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(92)92998-U. PMID 1359352. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PII0140-6736(92)92998-U/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  49. ^ Meegan, Michael (1983-12-31). "Starvation and suffering". The Lancet 322 (8365): 1506. PMID 6140600. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(83)90857-7/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  50. ^ Michael, Meegan (2006-05-02). Surprised by Joy: Out of the Darkness - Light, a Story of Hope in the Midst of Tragedy. Dunboyne, Ireland: Maverick House. ISBN 978-1905379057. 
  51. ^ "News Update". www.michaelmeegan.com. http://www.michaelmeegan.com/Latest_News/index.htm. Retrieved 2011-01-30. "Take my hand is a collection of spiritual reflections written by Michael Meegan and Sharon Wilkinson" 
  52. ^ Meegan, Michael; Meagle, Colin (2001-07-11 (anticipated)). Tribe of One: A Guide to Personal Happiness. London: Eye Books. ISBN 978-1903070635. 
  53. ^ Meegan, Mike; David Morley, Desmond Chavasse (1997-03-22). "Fly Traps". The Lancet 349 (9055): 886. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)61803-X. PMID 9121298. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(05)61803-X/fulltext. Retrieved 2011-01-31. 
  54. ^ "Conferring of NUI Honorary Doctorates". UCD Today. June 2006. http://www.ucd.ie/ucdtoday/jun06/jun06/more_news.pdf. 
  55. ^ Text of the introductory address delivered by: Dr Caroline Hussey, on 7 April, 2006, on the occasion of the conferring of the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, honoris causa, on Michael Elmore Meegan
  56. ^ "Ireland's People of the Year 2003 Announced". The Rehab Group. http://www.rehab.ie/press/article.aspx?id=30. 
  57. ^ "PAST PUPILS OF THE YEAR AWARD". Terenure College Past Pupils Union. www.nure.ie. 2010. http://www.nure.ie/past_pupil_of_the_year.htm. Retrieved 2011-01-31. "1988 Michael Meighan Class of 1977" 

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  • Meegan — may refer to: Dave Meegan, a record producer George Meegan, a British long distance walker Meegan Rooney, an Australian netball player Michael Elmore Meegan, the founder and international director of ICROSS Pete Meegan, an American Major League… …   Wikipedia

  • ICROSS — International Community for the relief of starvation and suffering ICROSSInternational non governmental organization founded by Dr T Michael Elmore Meegan, Dr Joseph Barnes and Dr Thomas O Riordan in 1979. Specialises in long term primary health …   Wikipedia

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