- Hermann Senator
Hermann Senator (
December 6 ,1834 -July 14 ,1911 ) was a Germaninternist who was a native ofGnesen in the province ofPosen . He studied medicine inBerlin , where he received his medical doctorate in 1857. Among his instructors in Berlin wereJohannes Peter Müller (1801-1858),Johann Lukas Schönlein (1793-1864) and Ludwig Traube (1818-1876). In 1875 he became chief physician in theinternal medicine department at the Augusta-Hospital, and in 1881 became head physician at the BerlinCharité .After the death of
Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs (1819-1885), he became head of the "first medical clinic" at Berlin for a few months. In 1888 his department at the Charité was made into the "third medical clinic", expanded and made a part of a policlinic with Senator as its director. Beginning in 1872 he was co-editor of "Centralblatt für die medizinischen Wissenschaften".Hermann Senator made several contributions in
internal medicine , particularly his research in the field ofnephrology . He published an influential study offever , and also penned works ondiabetes andalbuminuria . In 1868 he introduced his theory of "autointoxication", of which he speculated that "self-infection" originating in theintestines could be a source of disease elsewhere in the human body. He also believed that autointoxication could be the root cause of certain mental disorders.Selected publications
* "Untersuchungen über den fieberhaften Process und seine Behandlung".
* "Die Krankheiten des Bewegungsapparates. Diabetes mellitus und insipidus" (Diseases of themusculoskeletal system .Diabetes mellitus anddiabetes insipidus . Included inHugo Wilhelm von Ziemssen 's "Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie". 2nd edition, 1879.
* "Die Erkrankungen der Nieren". (Diseases of the Kidneys) In:Carl Wilhelm Hermann Nothnagel 's "Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie"References
* [http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/499.html "Hermann Senator"] @
Who Named It
* [ The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.